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Angels in the Early Modern World
ISBN 9780521843324 , 2006 , Peter Marshall, Alexandra Walsham
The World of Rome: An Introduction to Roman Culture
ISBN 9780521386005 , 1997 , Keith C. Sidwell, Peter V. Jones
Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School
ISBN 9780415045841 , 1983 , Adam Kuper
God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science
ISBN 9780415263443 , 2003
Modern Iran Since 1921: The Pahlavis and After
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Sweetness and power: the place of sugar in modern history
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Brain and the Inner World: An Introduction to the Neuroscience of Subjective Experience
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Homology Theory: An Introduction to Algebraic Topology
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Computational Chemistry: Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and Quantum Mechanics
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Computational Chemistry: Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and Quantum Mechanics
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A History of Japanese Literature: From the Man'yoshu to Modern Times
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Archaeological Theory: An Introduction
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Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School
ISBN 9780710094094 , 1983 , Adam Kuper
Literary Theory: An Introduction
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An Introduction to the Theology of Karl Barth
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A modern history of the Somali: nation and state in the Horn of Africa
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A History of Europe in the Modern World, Volume 1
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A History of Modern Europe
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An Introduction to Brain and Behavior
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History of Modern Seychelles
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A History of the Modern World, with PowerWeb
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