Søk: 'Travel Geography'
The Uganda Protectorate: An Attempt to Give Some Description of the Physical Geography, Botany, Zoology, Anthropology, Languages and History of the Territories Under British Protection in East Central Africa, Between the Congo Free State and the Rift V...
ISBN 9781142037635 , 2010 , Harry Hamilton Johnston
The Uganda Protectorate: An Attempt to Give Some Description of the Physical Geography, Botany, Zoology, Anthropology, Languages and History of the Territories Under British Protection in East Central Africa, Between the Congo Free State and the Rift V...
ISBN 9781142347048 , 2010 , Harry Hamilton Johnston
Astronomical Dialogues Between a Gentleman and a Lady: Wherein the Doctrine of the Sphere, Uses of the Globes, and the Elements of Astronomy and Geography Are Explain'd. in a Pleasant, Easy, and Familiar Way. with a Description of the Famous Instrument...
ISBN 9781141706716 , 2010 , John Harris
A Subject Analysis of the Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English: Volume 5, Education, geography, agriculture food, the sea, minerals and mining
ISBN 9780194311809 , 1973 , 5. utgave , Ronald Mackin