Søk: 'Urban Renaissance: Glasgow Lessons for Innovation and Implementation'
New Ethnicities and Urban Culture: Social Identity and Racism in the Lives of Young People
ISBN 9781857282528 , 1996 , Les Back
Sinus for ettårig forkurs; matematikk for forkurset for ingeniørutdanning og maritim høgskoleutdanning
ISBN 9788202294120 , 2009 , Tore Oldervoll, Audhild Vaaje, Odd Orskaug,m.fl.
Matematik for lærerstuderende - Delta
ISBN 9788759313404 , H.C Hansen, Jeppe Skott, Kristine Jess
Livelihood: Work in the New Urban Economy
ISBN 9781873667637 , 1998 , Melissa Benn
Black Corona: Race and the Politics of Place in an Urban Community
ISBN 9780691029368 , 1999 , Steven Gregory
Financing Innovation in the United States, 1870 to the Present
ISBN 9780262513326 , 2009
The Mastery of Innovation: A Field Guide to Lean Product Development
ISBN 9781439877029 , 2012 , Katherine Radeka
Sustainable Historic Cities? : a Baltic-Nordic Approach : a Report on Urban Development and Cultural Values, Case Studies of Tallinn, Riga, Visby and Alesung, Urban Design Guidelines
ISBN 9788279500278 , 2001 , Hans-Jacob Roald
African Renaissance: new forms, old images in Yoruba art
ISBN 9780870816888 , 2002 , Moyo Okediji, Moyosore Benjamin Okediji
Beyond the Rural-urban Divide: Cross-continental Perspectives on the Differentiated Countryside and Its Regulation
ISBN 9781848551381 , 2009
Performance of Financial Institutions: Efficiency, Innovation, Regulation
ISBN 9780521771542 , 2000 , Stavros A. Zenios, Patrick T. Harker
Perspectives of the silent majority: air pollution, livelihood and food security : indepth studies through PRA methods on community perspectives in urban and peri-urban areas of Varanasi and Faridabad, India
ISBN 9780754616054 , 2001 , Amitava Mukherjee
From Knowledge Management to Strategic Competence: Measuring Technological, Market and Organisational Innovation
ISBN 9781860941887 , 2000 , Joe Tidd
Art of Renaissance Rome, The (Reissue), Perspectives Series
ISBN 9780131344006 , 1996 , Loren W. Partridge
Cafe Life Florence: A Guidebook to the Cafes and Bars of the Renaissance City
ISBN 9781844370429 , 2005 , Joseph Wolff, Roger Paperno
Best Practices in the Implementation of the Brussels Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010
ISBN 9789211045918 , 2008
Contending Images of Africa (African Renaissance Vol 5 No 2)
ISBN 9781906704131 , 2008 , Jideofor Adibe
Cheap Shots, Ambushes, and Other Lessons: A Down and Dirty Book on Streetfighting & Survival
ISBN 9780873644969 , 1988 , Marc "Animal" MacYoung
Charity and Children in Renaissance Florence: The Ospedale Degli Innocenti, 1410-1536
ISBN 9780472101832 , 1990 , Philip Gavitt
Localist movements in a global economy: sustainability, justice and urban development in the United States
ISBN 9780262012645 , 2009
Statistics for Business and Economics: Global Edition
ISBN 9780273767060 , 2012 , 8. utgave , Paul Newbold, Betty Thorne
Gothic to Renaissance: Essays on Sculpture in England
ISBN 9781871615760 , 1995
The Ten Faces of Innovation: IDEO's Strategies for Beating the Devil's Advocate & Driving Creativity Throughout Your Organization
ISBN 9781846680311 , 2008
Power, profit, and urban land: landownership in medieval and early modern northern European towns
ISBN 9781859283417 , 1996 , Finn-Einar Eliassen, Elissen Finn-Einar,m.fl.
A Particular Place: Urban Restructuring and Religious Ecology in a Southern Exurb
ISBN 9780813527376 , 2000 , Nancy L. Eiesland
Ancient cities - the archaeology of urban life in the ancient near east and
ISBN 9780415121828 , 2003 , Charles Gates
Trinity College Library Dublin: Descriptive Catalogue of the Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Manuscripts: Supplement One
ISBN 9781846820953 , 2008 , Marvin L. Colker
After the Storm: Lessons from the Gulf War
ISBN 9781568330150 , 1992 , Joseph S. Nye, Roger K. Smith
Florentinische Und Venezianische Bilderrahmen Aus Der Zeit Der Gotik Und Renaissance
ISBN 9781110997183 , 2009 , Elfried Bock
Florentinische Und Venezianische Bilderrahmen Aus Der Zeit Der Gotik Und Renaissance
ISBN 9781110997213 , 2009 , Elfried Bock