Søk: 'Art and Society in the Middle Ages'
The Art Therapy Sourcebook
ISBN 9780071468275 , 2006 , Cathy Malchiodi
The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization
ISBN 9781905211203 , 2006 , Peter M. Senge
Art, Religion, and Politics in Medieval China: The Dunhuang Cave of the Zhai Family
ISBN 9780824827038 , 2004 , Qiang Ning
Media, Technology and Society
ISBN 9780415142298 , 1998
The Bedrock of Opinion: Science, Technology and Society in the Siting of High-Level Nuclear Waste
ISBN 9789048159581 , 2010 , Goran Sundqvist
Knowledge society: vision and social construction of reality in Germany and Singapore
ISBN 9783825803162 , 2007 , Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Slovay Gerke,m.fl.
Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together
ISBN 9780385479998 , 1999
Challenging retrenchment: the United States, Great Britain and the Middle East, 1950-1980
ISBN 9788251925884 , 2010 , Tore T. Petersen
The Art and Architecture of China
ISBN 9780300053340 , 1992
The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business, and Society
ISBN 9780199255771 , 2002 , Manuel Castells
The Cassowary's Revenge: The Life and Death of Masculinity in a New Guinea Society
ISBN 9780226819501 , 1997 , Donald F. Tuzin
Gifts, Favors, and Banquets: The Art of Social Relationships in China
ISBN 9780801495922 , 1994 , Mayfair Mei-hui Yang
Art in Modern Culture
ISBN 9780714828404 , 1992 , Francis Frascina, Jonathan Harris
A History of the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9780813340487 , 2004 , William L. Cleveland
Gender and Art
ISBN 9780300077599 , 1999 , Gillian Perry, Gill Perry
Between Enterprise and Ethics: Business and Management in a Bimoral Society
ISBN 9780199267552 , 2004
Media, Culture and Society: An Introduction
ISBN 9781412920537 , 2010 , Paul Hodkinson
A Contemporary Introduction To Sociology: Culture and Society in Transition
ISBN 9781594512704 , 2008 , Jeffrey C. Alexander, Kenneth W. Thompson
Wayward Women: Sexuality And Agency in a New Guinea Society
ISBN 9780520245594 , 2006 , Holly Wardlow
Art Past, Art Present
ISBN 9780132357166 , 2008 , David Wilkins, Bernie Schultz,m.fl.
The Art and Attitude of Commercial Photography
ISBN 9780817433093 , 2002 , Rick Souders
Media and Power: Communication and Society
ISBN 9780415077408 , 2002 , James Curran
The Art of Witchblade, Volume 1: Art Collection
ISBN 9781582408576 , 2008 , Marc Silvestri, David Wohl, Michael Turner,m.fl.
Technology and Society: Social Networks, Work, and Inequality
ISBN 9780195437836 , 2012 , Anabel Quan-Haase
Middle Eastern Mythology
ISBN 9780486435510 , 2004 , S. H. Hooke
ISBN 9788799025848
Art of Immunobiology and Case Studies in Immunology
ISBN 9780815334491 , 2000 , Paula Nicolson
State, Power & Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East, 2nd Editio
ISBN 9780415196741 , 2000 , Roger Owen
The Stakes: America and the Middle East : the Consequences of Power and the Choice for Peace
ISBN 9780813340784 , 2003 , Shibley Telhami
Society Dancing: Fashionable Bodies in England, 1870-1920
ISBN 9780230277144 , 2011 , Theresa Jill Buckland