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Cognitive Science: An Introduction to the Study of Mind
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Doctoring Together: A Study of Professional Social Control
ISBN 9780226262222 , 1981 , Eliot Freidson
Comparative Evaluations of Innovative Fisheries Management: Global Experiences and European Prospects
ISBN 9789048126620 , 2009
The Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media
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"A Burning and a Shining Light"; Being the Memoir of the REV. Thomas Spencer, of Liverpool
ISBN 9781150325199 , 2012 , Thomas Raffles
Case study & computing: advanced qualitative methods in the study of human behavior
ISBN 9781567501322 , 1996 , Kathleen M. Carley, R.W. Lawler
Students? goals: a case study of activity in a mathematics classroom
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A History of the Modern World
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Social complexity in the making: a case study among the Arapesh of New Guinea
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The Comparative Method: Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies
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Teenagers' Perspectives on the Role of Religion in Their Lives, Schools and Societies: A European Quantitative Study
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The Swords of Night and Day: A Novel of Skilgannon the Damned
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A Culture of Confidence: Politics, Performance and the Idea of America
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A Record of the Descendants of Isaac Ross and Jean Brown
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Case study & computing: advanced qualitative methods in the study of human behavior
ISBN 9781567501285 , 1995 , Robert Walter Lawler, Kathleen M. Carley
A tale of three cities: comparative studies in working class life
ISBN 9780333713839 , 1998 , John Lynch, Jo Campling
A History of the Modern World: Study Guide for Use with Palmer-Colton-Kramer
ISBN 9780073270418 , 2006 , Lloyd Kramer, Joel Colton
Dysfunctional Bureaucracy: A Comparative and Historical Perspective
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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A Competitive Business Strategy Development for Market Expansion: A Study of a Branding Enterprise
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"Iron Maiden": "Dance of Death" for Guitar Tab
ISBN 9781844493296 , 2003 , Bish Bash Books
Contrasting Involvements: A Study of Management Accounting Practices in Britain and Germany
ISBN 9789057023514 , 1999 , Thomas Ahrens
Rethinking Comparative Cultural Sociology: Repertoires of Evaluation in France and the United States
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Comparative Politics Today: A Theoretical Framework
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The Prisoner Society: Power, Adaptation, and Social Life in an English Prison
ISBN 9780199577965 , 2009 , Ben Crewe
The Nuer: A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People
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