Søk: 'British Cultural Studies: Geography, Nationality, and Identity'
Cultural History: A Concise Introduction
ISBN 9780415667760 , 2011 , Alessandro Arcangeli
Cultural Mobility: A Manifesto
ISBN 9780521863568 , 2009 , Stephen J. Greenblatt, Ines G. Zupanov,m.fl.
Introduction to Cultural Ecology
ISBN 9780759112476 , 2009 , Mark Q. Sutton, Eugene Newton Anderson
Media, Modernity And Technology: The Geography of the New
ISBN 9780415333412 , 2006 , David Morley
China: a cultural, social, and political history
ISBN 9780618133871 , 2005 , Patricia Buckley Ebrey, Anne Walthall,m.fl.
British Politics Since 1945
ISBN 9780631190752 , 1995 , Peter Dorey
British Civilization: A Student's Dictionary
ISBN 9780415307765 , 2003
Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School
ISBN 9780710094094 , 1983 , Adam Kuper
Cross-cultural business behavior: a guide for global management
ISBN 9788215020235 , 2012 , Richard R. Gesteland
Identity In Adolescence: The Balance Between Self And Other
ISBN 9780415281072 , 2003 , Jane Kroger
Cultural Psychology: A Once and Future Discipline
ISBN 9780674179561 , 1998 , Michael Cole
Participatory Citizenship: Identity, Exclusion, Inclusion
ISBN 9780761934677 , 2006 , Ranjita Mohanty, Rajesh Tandon
Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780262572224 , 2005 , Alexander L. George, ALEXANDER L AUTOR GEORGE,m.fl.
Settling the pop score: pop texts and identity politics
ISBN 9780754603511 , 2002 , Stan Hawkins
The Europeanization of British Politics
ISBN 9781403995193 , 2006 , Ian Bache, Andrew Jordan
Arts Leadership: International Case Studies
ISBN 9780734611697 , 2012 , Jo Caust
Urban Geography: A Global Perspective
ISBN 9780415462020 , 2009 , Michael Pacione
The cultural industries
ISBN 9780761954521 , 2002
Rising China and Security in East Asia: Identity Construction and Security Discourse
ISBN 9780415449403 , 2009 , Rex Li
Remapping World Cinema: Identity, Culture And Politics in Film
ISBN 9781904764625 , 2005 , Stephanie Dennison, Song Hwee Lim
Geography, History and Concepts: A Students? Guide
ISBN 9781853960116 , 1988 , Arild Holt-Jensen, Brian Fullerton
Human Geography. 4th ed.
ISBN 9780195416411 , 2001 , 4. utgave , William Norton
Statistical methods for geography
ISBN 9780761962878 , 2001 , Peter A. Rogerson
Fracturing Resemblances: Identity And Mimetic Conflict In Melanesia And The West
ISBN 9781571816801 , 2005 , Simon Harrison
Teaching Geography 11-18: A Conceptual Approach
ISBN 9780335234486 , 2010 , David Lambert, John Morgan
Understanding Cross-Cultural Management
ISBN 9780273703365 , 2008 , Marie-Joelle Browaeys, Roger Price
Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ISBN 9781111301521 , 2010 , James G. Peoples, Garrick Alan Bailey
Culture and rationality: European frameworks of Norwegian identity
ISBN 9788276343878 , 2001 , J. Peter Burgess
British Civilization: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415122580 , 1995
Explorations in New Cinema History: Approaches and Case Studies
ISBN 9781405199506 , 2011 , Richard Maltby, Philippe Meers