Søk: 'Change (Transformation) in Public Sector Organizations'
Ngecha: a Kenyan village in a time of rapid social change
ISBN 9780803248090 , 2004 , Carolyn P. Edwards, Beatrice Blyth Whiting
Public Relations and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415997850 , 2009 , oyvind Ihlen, Betteke van Ruler,m.fl.
Environmental Change and Globalization: Double Exposures
ISBN 9780195177329 , 2008 , m.fl.
Public Perception of Biosolids Recycling: Developing Public Participation and Earning Trust
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Maritime Sector, Institutions, and Sea Power of Premodern China
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Formula Funding of Public Services
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Hygiene: Specially Intended for Those Studying for a Diploma in Public Health
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Development Issues in Global Governance: Public-Private Partnerships and Market Multilateralism
ISBN 9780415393393 , 2006 , Desmond McNeill, Benedicte Bull
Breakthrough Management for Not-For-Profit Organizations: Beyond Survival in the 21st Century
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Religion and Civil Society: Rethinking Public Religion in the Contemporary World
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Accountability Without Democracy: Solidary Groups and Public Goods Provision in Rural China
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Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change
ISBN 9781118038208 , 2013
A Change of Life
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Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance
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International Communication: Continuity and Change
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The Lean Startup: How Relentless Change Creates Radically Successful Businesses
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THINK Public Relations: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292025285 , 2013 , Dennis L. Wilcox
Environmental change and globalization: double exposures
ISBN 9780195177312 , 2008
The Change Masters
ISBN 9780671528003 , 1985 , Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Child Labour: A Public Health Perspective
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Studyguide for Exploring Public Relations by
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Development and social change: a global perspective
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Animal Rights: Political and Social Change in Britain Since 1800
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Animal rights: political and social change in Britain since 1800
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Ethnicity and Language Change: English in (London)Derry, Northern Ireland
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Economic Geography and Public Policy
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Strategic Planning for Public Relations
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Making a Living in Europe: Human Geographies of Economic Change
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Making a Living in Europe: Human Geographies of Economic Change
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Complex organizations: a critical essay
ISBN 9780075547990 , 1986 , Charles Perrow