Søk: 'Colonial Space: Spatiality in the Discourse of German South West Africa 1884-1915'
Worlds of Power: Religious Thought and Political Practice in Africa
ISBN 9781850657347 , 2004 , Stephen Ellis, Gerrie ter Haar
Worlds of Power: Religious Thought and Political Practice in Africa
ISBN 9781850657354 , 2004 , Stephen Ellis, Gerrie ter Haar
Constitution-making and democratisation in Africa
ISBN 9780798301497 , 2001 , Goran Hyden, Denis Venter
Lonely Planet Trekking in East Africa
ISBN 9781864502893 , 2003 , Mary Fitzpatrick, David Wenk, Matther Fletcher
Africanizing Anthropology: Fieldwork, Networks, and the Making of Cultural Knowledge in Central Africa
ISBN 9780822326731 , 2001 , Lyn Schumaker
National Identity and Democracy in Africa
ISBN 9780796919014 , 2000 , Mai Palmberg, Human Sciences Research Council,m.fl.
National Identity and Democracy in Africa
ISBN 9789171064417 , 2000 , Mai Palmberg, Human Sciences Research Council,m.fl.
Producing Nature and Poverty in Africa
ISBN 9789171064523 , 2000 , Vigdis Broch-Due, Richard A. Schroeder
Power talk: language and interaction in institutional discourse
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A History Of Bangladesh ( South Asian Edition )
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Conflict in South-Eastern Europe at the end of the twentieth century: a "Scholars' Initiative" assesses some of the controversies
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From Trench to Sky: Letters Home 1915-1918
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Anthropology, Politics, and the State: Democracy and Violence in South Asia
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Africa and the nation-state: state formation and identity in Ancient Egypt, Hausaland, and Southern Africa
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Africa: Mapping New Boundaries in International Law
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Africa: Mapping New Boundaries in International Law
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Underground Space Design: Part 1: Overview of Subsurface Space Utilization Part 2: Design for People in Underground Facilities
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History of Africa, Revised 2nd Edition
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The re-enchantment of the West: alternative spiritualities, sacralization, popular culture, and occulture
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Perspectives on Africa: A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation
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A history of Franco-German relations in Europe: from "hereditary enemies" to partners
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Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe
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After Freedom: A Cultural Study in the Deep South
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Constructing History, Society and Politics in Discourse: Multimodal Approaches
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Images of the Body in India: South Asian and European Perspectives on Rituals and Performativity
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Advancing Governance in the South: What Roles for International Financial Institutions in Developing States?
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Crisis and terror in the Horn of Africa: autopsy of democracy, human rights, and freedom
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The Government And Politics of the Middle East And North Africa
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East O' the Sun and West O' the Moon
ISBN 9781434473936 , 2008 , Peter Christen Asbjørnsen,m.fl.