Søk: 'Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why : True Stories of Miraculous Endurance and Sudden Death'
Divided in death
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Operation Certain Death
ISBN 9781844136780 , 2004 , Damien Lewis
Sanctity in the North: Saints, Lives, and Cults in Medieval Scandinavia
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Lives of Shakespearian Actors, 1: David Garrick, Charles Macklin and Margaret Woffington by Their Contemporaries,
ISBN 9781851968534 , 2008 , Paul Goring, Gail Marshall, Michael Caines,m.fl.
Evoking genocide: scholars and activists describe the works that shaped their lives
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Myths America Lives by
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Club Dead: A True Blood Novel
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Tony and the cows: a true story from the range wars
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Death: The High Cost of Living
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Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
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The Meaning Of Sports: Why Americans Watch Baseball, Football, and Basketball and What They See When They Do.
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Identity, Difference Politics: How Difference Is Produced, and Why It Matters
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Death or Bounty
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The Cassowary's Revenge: The Life and Death of Masculinity in a New Guinea Society
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AIDS and Power: Why there is no Political Crisis - Yet
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The Way Up to Heaven: And Other Stories
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The Animator's Survival Kit: A Manual of Methods, Principles and Formulas for Classical, Computer, Games, Stop Motion and Internet Animators
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Why Globalization Works
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Classic Yiddish Stories of S. Y. Abramovitsh, Sholem Aleichem, and I. L. Peretz
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Divided in Death
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