Søk: 'Engineering Design Methods'
Tokyo: Architecture & Design
ISBN 9783823845690 , 2004 , Martin Nicholas Kunz, Pipa Bradbury,m.fl.
Mekanisk konstruksjon og teknisk design
ISBN 9788205381612 , 2010 , Øivind Husø
Linear System Theory and Design
ISBN 9780195392074 , 2009 , Chi-Tsong Chen
Metapsychical Phenomen: Methods and Observations
ISBN 9781147749533 , 2010
Research Methods in Physical Activity
ISBN 9781450400374 , 2010 , Jerry R. Thomas, Jack K. Nelson,m.fl.
Scientific Applications Of Language Methods
ISBN 9781848165458 , 2010 , Martin-Vide Carlos
MWH's Water Treatment: Principles and Design
ISBN 9780470405390 , 2012 , George Tchobanoglous, MWH, R. Rhodes Trussell,m.fl.
Basic Environmental and Engineering Geology
ISBN 9781904445029 , 2008 , G. Bell F
Engineering and Managing Software Requirements
ISBN 9783642064074 , 2010 , Aybuke Aurum, Claes Wohlin
Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences
ISBN 9780761929987 , 2008 , Catherine Kohler Riessman
Applied Engineering Statistics
ISBN 9780824785031 , 1991 , Robert M. Bethea, Russell Thinehart,m.fl.
C++ for Computer Science and Engineering
ISBN 9781941415535
Fundamentals of engineering economics
ISBN 9780130307910 , 2004 , Chan S. Park
Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics
ISBN 9780471731948 , 2004 , Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro, Borgnakke
Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics
ISBN 9780131246799 , 2004 , Rao Nannapaneni
Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics
ISBN 9780131139619 , 2004 , Nannapaneni Narayana Rao
Engineering Mechanics: Statics Si
ISBN 9780131278448 , 2004 , R.C. Hibbeler
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics Si
ISBN 9780131278431 , 2004 , R. C. Hibbeler, S. C. Fan
Introduction to Engineering Experimentation
ISBN 9780131246850 , 2004 , Anthony J. Wheeler, Ahmad Reza Ganji
Advanced engineering mathematics: a new edition of Further engineering mathematics
ISBN 9781403903129 , 2003 , Dexter J. Booth, K. A. Stroud
Qualitative GIS: a mixed methods approach
ISBN 9781412945660 , 2009 , Meghan Cope, Sarah Elwood
Econometric Theory and Methods: International Edition
ISBN 9780195391053 , 2009 , Russell Davidson, James G. MacKinnon
Statistical Methods for Psychology
ISBN 9780534389703 , 2001 , David C. Howell
Chemical Processes for Environmental Engineering
ISBN 9781860947599 , 2007 , Teh Fu Yen
Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences
ISBN 9781292022499 , 2013 , Bruce L. Berg
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
ISBN 9780130174406 , 2001
Engineering Mechanics: Statics in SI Units Pack
ISBN 9789810681364 , 2009 , Russell C. Hibbeler
Contemporary Engineering Economics
ISBN 9780201145083 , 1993 , Chan S. Park
Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods
ISBN 9780761919711 , 2002 , Michael Quinn Patton
Advanced Engineering Economics
ISBN 9780471799894 , 1990 , Chan S. Park, Gunter P.Sharp- Bette