Søk: 'Entusiastiske essays: klippbok 1960-1975'
Paths to War: New Essays on the Origins of the Second World War
ISBN 9780333375181 , 1989 , Robert W. D. Boyce,m.fl.
Globalization and Its Discontents : Essays on the New Mobility of People and Money
ISBN 9781565845183 , 1988
The Constitution of Europe: 'Do the New Clothes Have an Emperor?' and Other Essays on European Integration
ISBN 9780521585675 , 1999 , Joseph Weiler
Auto/Ethnographies: Sex and Death and Symbolic Interaction in the Eighth Moment of Qualitative Inquiry: Seven Essays on the Self-ethnography of Self
ISBN 9781434402882 , 2009 , Michael Hemmingson
Certainty and surface in epistemology and philosophical method: essays in honor of Avrum Stroll
ISBN 9780773497115 , 1991 , Michael J. White, Avrum Stroll, Al P. Martinich
Porphyrogenita: Essays on the History and Literature of Byzantium and the Latin East in Honour of Julian Chrysostomides
ISBN 9780754636960 , 2003 , J. Chrysostomides, Charalambos Dendrinos
(Gorski Vijenac): A Garland of Essays Offered to Professor Elizabeth Mary Hill
ISBN 9780900547089 , 1971 , Robert Auty, Lucian Ryszard Lewitter,m.fl.
Variations in business and economic history: essays in honor of Donald L. Kemmerer
ISBN 9780892322626 , 1982 , Bruce R. Dalgaard, Richard K. Vedder,m.fl.
A Call to the Unconverted. to Which Are Added, Several Valuable Essays ... With An Introductory Essay, by Thomas Chalmers ...
ISBN 9781425520618 , 2006 , Richard Baxter
Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, Volume 3: Essays in Microstructure in Honor of David K Whitcomb
ISBN 9789812566263 , 2006 , Ivan E. Brick, Tavy Ronen, Lee Cheng-Few
On the Natural History of Destruction: With Essays on Alfred Andersch, Jean Améry and Peter Weiss
ISBN 9780140298000 , 2004 , Winfried Georg Sebald
Gorski Vijenac: a Garland of Essays Offered to Professor Elizabeth Mary Hill
ISBN 9781905981274 , 1970 , Robert Auty, L.R. Lewitter, A.P. Vlasto
The Prelude, 1799, 1805, 1850: Authoritative Texts, Context and Reception, Recent Critical Essays
ISBN 9780393090710 , 1979 , Jonathan Wordsworth, Stephen Gill
The art of social relations: essays on culture, social action and everyday life in modern Norway
ISBN 9788200216520 , 1992 , Marianne Gullestad
Starting Our Careers: A Collection of Essays and Advice on Professional Development from the Young Mathematicians' Network
ISBN 9780821815434 , 1999 , Curtis D. Bennett, Annalisa Crannell
Research in organizational behavior an annual series of analytical essays and critical reviews
ISBN 9780892321513 , 1981 , L. L. Cummings
Art & commerce: American prints of the nineteenth century : proceedings of a conference held in Boston, May 8-10, 1975, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts
ISBN 9780878461301 , 1988 , Museum of Fine Arts
Adorno and "a Writing of the Ruins": Essays on Modern Aesthetics and Anglo-American Literature and Culture
ISBN 9780791432693 , 1997 , James Martin Harding
Pathways of the past: essays in honour of Sølvi Sogner on her 70th anniversary 15. march 2002
ISBN 9788270993437 , 2002 , Gunnar Thorvaldsen, Sølvi Sogner, Hilde Sandvik,m.fl.
A Guide to Forming and Conducting Lyceums, Debating Societies, and C: With Outlines of Discussions and Essays, and an Appendix, Containing an Epitome Of
ISBN 9781141331567 , 2010 , Charles Morley
Illusjon og virkelighet: åtte essays til bevisstgjøring av mennesket i den moderne mediaverden
ISBN 9788290016253 , 1990 , Torodd Lien, Odd Lindbråten
Virtue, Commerce, and History: Essays on Political Thought and History, Chiefly in the Eighteenth Century
ISBN 9780521276603 , 1985 , James Tully, Quentin Skinner, Lorraine Daston,m.fl.
Økonomi og tid: 18 essays i Pufendorf-tradisjon : festskrift til professor Arild Sæther på 70-årsdagen, 8. august 2010. 8. august 2010
ISBN 9788245010244 , 2010 , Arild Sæther, Jon P. Knudsen, Sigbjørn Sødal
The Will to Believe: And Other Essays in Popular Philosophy, and Human Immortality
ISBN 9780486202914 , 1956 , James William
The Art of Social Relations: Essays on Culture, Social Action and Everyday Life in Modern Norway
ISBN 9788213028677 , 1992 , Marianne Gullestad
A General Treatise of Morality, Form'D Upon the Principles of Natural Reason Only: With a Preface in Answer to Two Essays Lately Published in the Fabl
ISBN 9781144273857 , 2010 , Richard Fiddes
Academia and state socialism: essays on the political history of academic life in post-1945 Hungary and Eastern Europe
ISBN 9780880333986 , 1998 , Gyorgy Péteri
Decisions and Diplomacy: Essays in Twentieth Century International History : in Memory of George Gr?n and Esmonde Robertson
ISBN 9780415097956 , 1994 , Esmonde Manning Robertson, Dick Richardson,m.fl.
The Secret Sharer: Complete, Authoritative Text with Biographical and Historical Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical Perspectives
ISBN 9780333690925 , 1998 , Joseph Conrad, Daniel R. Schwarz
Det levende Ordet: norsk skrivekunst-- en antologi : artikler, dikt, essays og noveller fra tidsskriftet Ordet 1950-1973
ISBN 9788270500512 , 1993 , Helge Nordahl, Tor Guttu, Iver Tore Svenning,m.fl.