Søk: 'Essential Manager - Effective Public Relations'
Essentials Of Corporate Communication: Implementing Practices for Effective Reputation Management
ISBN 9780415328265 , 2006 , C. B. M. van Riel, Charles J. Fombrun
Essential Surgical Skills with CD-ROM
ISBN 9780721639505 , 2004 , David A. Sherris, Eugene B. Kern
Chemistry for the biosciences: the essential concepts
ISBN 9780199280971 , 2006 , Jonathan Crowe, Tony Bradshaw, Paul M. S. Monk
Essential Biochemistry 2nd Edition with WileyPLUS Set
ISBN 9780470580820 , 2010 , 2. utgave , Charlotte W. Pratt
Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis
ISBN 9780199268481 , 2004 , Christopher Pollitt, Geert Bouckaert
International Relations, Brief Edition (Book Alone)
ISBN 9780321337986 , 2005 , Joshua S. Goldstein, Jon C. Pevehouse
Muslims and Others: Relations in Context
ISBN 9783110176278 , 2003 , Jacques Waardenburg
Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction
ISBN 9780321269782 , 2005 , Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant
An Introduction to Classical Rhetoric: Essential Readings
ISBN 9781405158602 , 2009 , James Dale Williams
Effective Perl programming: writing better programs with Perl
ISBN 9780201419757 , 1998 , Randal L. Schwartz, Joseph N. Hall
A Course in Public Economics
ISBN 9780521828772 , 2003 , John Leach
Economic Geography and Public Policy
ISBN 9780691102757 , 2003 , Richard E. Baldwin, Rikard Forslid,m.fl.
Economics of the Public Sector
ISBN 9780130966414 , 1999 , Alistair Munro, Sara Jane Connolly
Why Cooperate?: The Incentive to Supply Global Public Goods
ISBN 9780199585212 , 2010 , Scott Barrett
Developing Language and Literacy: Effective Intervention in the Early Years
ISBN 9780470711859 , 2010 , Julia M. Carroll, Claudine Bowyer-Crane,m.fl.
The Idea of the Public Sphere: A Reader
ISBN 9780739141984 , 2010 , Hannah Arendt, Jostein Gripsrud, Seyla Benhabib,m.fl.
Public Policy and Program Evaluation
ISBN 9780765806871 , 2000 , Evert Vedung
As Media Studies: The Essential Introduction
ISBN 9780415329668 , 2004 , Peter Wall, Philip Rayner, Stephen Kruger
Classic Readings of International Relations
ISBN 9780534171841 , 1993
Object relations and self psychology: an introduction
ISBN 9780534532932 , 2003 , Michael St. Clair, Jodie Wigren
Change (Transformation) in Public Sector Organizations (Hc)
ISBN 9781617351235 , 2010 , Ronald R. Sims
Introduction To International Relations: Perspectives And Themes
ISBN 9780582894037 , 2005 , Jill Steans, Lloyd Pettiford, Thomas Diez
Essential surgery: problems, diagnosis, and management
ISBN 9780443063756 , 2002 , H. George Burkitt, Clive R. G. Quick
Essential Cell Biology: A Practical Approach
ISBN 9780199638307 , 2003 , John Davey, J.Michael Lord, Mike Lord,m.fl.
International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific
ISBN 9780231125918 , 2003 , Gilford John Ikenberry
Group Communication Pitfalls: Overcoming Barriers to an Effective Group Experience
ISBN 9781412915359 , 2006 , Paul D. Turman, John Orville Burtis
Foundations in Public Economics
ISBN 9780521348010 , 1988 , David A. Starrett, F.H. Hahn
A community of Europeans?: transnational identities and public spheres
ISBN 9780801476488 , 2010 , Thomas Risse-Kappen
A2 Media Studies: The Essential Introduction for AQA
ISBN 9780415457330 , 2010 , Antony Bateman, Peter Bennett,m.fl.
A future for public ownership
ISBN 9780853158851 , 1999 , Malcolm C. Sawyer, Kathy O'Donnell