Søk: 'Federalism and the European Union: The Building of Europe, 1950-2000'
The History of Modern Europe: From the French Revolution to the Present
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Dictionary of Cliches: The Meanings and Origins of 2000 Over-used and Under-appreciated Expressions
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Andy Warhol 365 Takes
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The Spirit of '68: Rebellion in Western Europe and North America, 1956-1976
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Ageing, Cognition, and Neuroscience: A Special Issue of the European Journal of Cognitive Psychology
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Europe in the Sixteenth Century
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The United States and Western Europe Since 1945
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The Foundations of Early Modern Europe, 1460-1559
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A History of Modern Europe, Volume 2: From the French Revolution to the Present
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A History of Modern Europe: From the French Revolution to the Present
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The Significance of Monuments: On the Shaping of Human Experience in Neolithic and Bronze Age Europe
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International Relations Theory and the Politics of European Integration: Power, Security and Community
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