Søk: 'Formal Methods Applications and Technology'
Elementary Number Theory: And Its Applications
ISBN 9780321263148 , 2005 , Kenneth H. Rosen
Programming in C++: lessons and applications
ISBN 9780072424126 , 2003 , Tim B. D'Orazio
Strang's Linear Algebra And Its Applications
ISBN 9780495013259 , 2005 , Gilbert Strang, Brett Coonley,m.fl.
Web Services: Concepts, Architectures and Applications
ISBN 9783540440086 , 2003 , Gustavo Alonso, Fabio Casati, Harumi Kuno,m.fl.
Applications in Physics, Physiology and Finance
ISBN 9789812567772 , 2005 , Michael Small
Network security essentials: applications and standards
ISBN 9780130351289 , 2003 , William Stallings
Managerial Economics: Theory, Applications, and Cases
ISBN 9780393927504 , 2005 , 6. utgave , Edwin Mansfield
The Materiality of Learning: Technology and Knowledge in Educational Practice
ISBN 9780521182713 , 2011 , Estrid Sorensen
Computed Tomography: Physical Principles, Clinical Applications, and Quality Control
ISBN 9781416028956 , 2008 , Euclid Seeram
Gender and Technology in the Making
ISBN 9780803988118 , 1993 , Cynthia Cockburn, Susan Ormrod
Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis
ISBN 9780471356059 , 2001 , Michael E. Plesha, David S. Malkus,m.fl.
Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, Third Edition
ISBN 9781439808214 , 2009 , 3. utgave , P.J. Fellows
Mixing Methods in Psychology: The Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780415186506 , 2004 , Zazie Todd, Suzanne McKeown, David D. Clarke
Mixing methods in psychology: the integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in theory and practice
ISBN 9780415186490 , 2004 , Zazie Todd, Suzanne McKeown, David D. Clarke
Mixing Methods in Psychology: The Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780203645727 , 2004 , Zazie Todd, Suzanne McKeown, David D. Clarke,m.fl.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISBN 9780155510050 , 1988 , Gilbert Strang
Revenue Management and Pricing: Case Studies and Applications
ISBN 9781844800629 , 2004 , Ian Yeoman, Una McMahon-Beattie
Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology
ISBN 9780072424195 , 2000 , Mona J. Fitzsimmons, James A. Fitzsimmons
Cultures of Technology and the Quest for Innovation
ISBN 9781845451172 , 2006 , Helga Nowotny
Cultures of Technology and the Quest for Innovation
ISBN 9781845451165 , 2006 , Helga Nowotny
Formal design in renaissance architecture from Brunelleschi to Palladio
ISBN 9780847818600 , 1995 , Michele Furnari
Introducing translation studies: theories and applications
ISBN 9780415229265 , 2001 , Jeremy Munday
Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Designs, and Applications
ISBN 9781441964656 , 2010 , Jacob Fraden
Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780135963548 , 1990 , P.J. Fellows
Social Research Methods
ISBN 9781412910620 , 2006 , Nicholas Walliman
Research Methods and Organization Studies
ISBN 9780415084048 , 1989 , Alan Bryman
Biofuels Engineering Process Technology
ISBN 9780071487498 , 2008 , Terry Walker, John Nghiem
Advances in Fatigue Science and Technology
ISBN 9780792301059 , 1989 , C.Moura Branco, L.Guerra Rosa
Survey Research Methods
ISBN 9781412958417 , 2008 , Floyd J. Fowler
How Information Technology is Conquering the World
ISBN 9780810887206 , 2012 , Kai A. Olsen