Søk: 'Hair matters: beauty, power, and Black women's consciousness'
A New Psychology of Women: Gender, Culture, and Ethnicity
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Castles And Landscapes: Power, Community And Fortification In Medieval England
ISBN 9781904768678 , 2005 , O. H. Creighton
The Little Black Book of Stories
ISBN 9780099429951 , 2004 , A. S. Byatt
Nådeløs verden
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Til sjøs!: seilskutetiden
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Meetings of cultures in the Black Sea Region: between conflict and ...
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Design of Propulsion and Electric Power Generation Systems
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Mind Matters: A Tribute to Allen Newell
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Advanced Health Assessment of Women, Second Edition: Clinical Skills and Procedures
ISBN 9780826124265 , 2010 , 2. utgave , Helen Carcio, MS, RN, CS, ANP,m.fl.
Wayward Women: Sexuality And Agency in a New Guinea Society
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Women In Motion: Globalization, State Policies, And Labor Migration In Asia
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A Legend of Montrose; The Black Dwarf
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A Legend of Montrose; The Black Dwarf
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As a Man Thinketh and from Poverty to Power
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After the Apple: Women in the Bible: Women In the Bible - Timeless Stories of Love, Lust, and Longing
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Ancient Taboos And Gender Prejudice: Challenges For Orthodox Women And The Church
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Lessons of Empire: Imperial Histories And American Power
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Women, art, and society: 302 illustrations, 78 in colour
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J. S. Mill: 'On Liberty' and Other Writings
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Accounting Financial Instruments: A Practical Guide to the Application of IAS 39 and IAS 32
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Power Generation Handbook: Selection, Applications, Operation, and Maintenance
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Matters of life and death: new introductory essays in moral philosophy
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Black Water: A Merci Rayborn Novel
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Black Skin, White Masks
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