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Managed by the Markets: How Finance Re-Shaped America
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Strategies For Creative Problem Solving,2/e
ISBN 9780130082794 , 2006 , H.scott Fogler, Steven E. LeBlanc,m.fl.
Narrating the Organization: Dramas of Institutional Identity
ISBN 9780226132297 , 1997 , Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges
Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People
ISBN 9780143036975 , 2006 , G. Richard Shell
Practice Problems and Solutions to Accompany Fundamentals of Derivatives Markets, Robert L. McDonald
ISBN 9780321548191 , 2008 , Robert L. McDonald
A guide to international estate planning: drafting, compliance, and administration strategies
ISBN 9781570738425 , 2000 , Jeffrey A. Schoenblum
The Northern Lights: Organization Theory in Scandinavia
ISBN 9788279350217 , 2003 , Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges, Guje Sevon
Hot Spots: Why Some Teams, Workplaces, and Organization Buzz with Energy-And Others Dont's (Large Print 16pt)
ISBN 9781458777539 , 2010 , Lynda Gratton
The development of European gas markets: environmental, economic, and political perspectives
ISBN 9780471960126 , 1995
In Praise of Bureaucracy: Weber - Organization - Ethics
ISBN 9780761955030 , 2000 , Paul Du Gay
Governing banking's future: markets vs. regulation
ISBN 9780792391371 , 1991 , Catherine England
Body Projects in Japanese Childcare: Culture, Organization and Emotions in Preschool
ISBN 9780700704484 , 1996 , Eyal Ben-Ari
Market power and business strategy: in search of the unified organization
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Defense Against Bioterror: Detection Technologies, Implementation Strategies and Commercial Opportunities: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Defense Against Bioterror: Detection Technologies, Implementation Strategies and Commercial...
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Defense Against Bioterror: Detection Technologies, Implementation Strategies and Commercial Opportunities: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Defense Against Bioterror: Detection Technologies, Implementation Strategies and Commercial...
ISBN 9781402033858 , 2005 , Dennis Morrison, Fred Milanovich, Dmitri Ivnitski,m.fl.
Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions
ISBN 9780674175563 , 1998 , Thomas K. McCraw
Business across cultures: effective communication strategies
ISBN 9780201825329 , 1995 , Sarah Lynn, Laura Monahon English
Valuepack: Structured Computer Organization with C Programming Language
ISBN 9781405826013 , 2005 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Strategies for the Green Economy: Opportunities and Challenges in the New World of Business
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Real world, Adobe Photoshop CS: industrial strength production techniques
ISBN 9780321245786 , 2004 , David Blatner, Bruce Fraser
Industrial development in Tanzania: some critical issues
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Black Fathers in Contemporary American Society: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Strategies for Change /
ISBN 9780871541611 , 2003 , Obie Clayton, Ronald B. Mincy, David Blankenhorn
The Eclipse of the State Mental Hospital: Policy. Stigma, and Organization
ISBN 9780791428955 , 1996 , George W. Dowdall
Classroom Management That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Every Teacher
ISBN 9780135035832 , 2008 , Robert J. Marzano
Final Fantasy VII: Secrets,Strategies,Solutions
ISBN 9781873650127 , 1997 , Russell Murray
Adundance for Beginners: Simple Strategies for Successful Living
ISBN 9780738707709 , 2007 , Ellen Peterson
Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets
ISBN 9780141031484 , 2007 , Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Creating modern capitalism: how entrepreneurs, companies, and countries triumphed in three industrial revolutions
ISBN 9780674175556 , 1997 , Thomas K. McCraw
Inspiration: Capturing the Creative Potential of Your Organization
ISBN 9781403920584 , 2004 , Cameron Watt
Ethnic groups and boundaries: the social organization of culture difference
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