Søk: 'Language and Species'
Changing Work, Changing Workers: Critical Perspectives on Language, Literacy, and Skills
ISBN 9780791432204 , 1997 , Glynda A. Hull, Glynda Huff
Breaking the frame: film language and the experience of limits
ISBN 9780253206213 , 1991 , Inez Hedges
An Introduction to Child Language Development
ISBN 9780582087293 , 1999 , Susan H.Foster- Cohen
Authority in Language: Investigating Standard English
ISBN 9780415174138 , 1999 , James Milroy, Lesley Milroy
Eclipse Modeling Project: A Domain-Specific Language Toolkit
ISBN 9780321534071 , 2009 , Richard C. Gronback
Assembly Language Step-by-Step: Programming with Linux
ISBN 9780470580035 , 2009 , Jeff Duntemann
Global Linguistic Flows: Hip Hop Cultures, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language
ISBN 9780805862850 , 2008 , Awad Ibrahim, H. Sammy Alim, Alistair Pennycook
The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language
ISBN 9780521431460 , 2002 , Rodney Desmond Huddleston, Geoffrey K. Pullum
A History of the English Language
ISBN 9780415280990 , 2002 , Albert C. Baugh, Thomas Cable
Microsoft visual C++ .NET: language reference
ISBN 9780735615533 , 2002 , Corporation Microsoft
The Language of Advertising: Written Texts
ISBN 9780415278027 , 2002 , Angela Goddard
Intl Stdt Ed-Introduction to Language 8e
ISBN 9781413023169 , 2007 , 8. utgave , Robert Rodman, Victoria A. Fromkin, Nina M. Hyams
Organic Chemistry II as a Second Language
ISBN 9780471738084 , 2005 , D. R. Klein
English With an Accent: Language, Ideology, and Discrimination in the United States
ISBN 9780415114776 , 1997 , Rosina Lippi-Green
Blooming English: Observations on the Roots, Cultivation and Hybrids of the English Language
ISBN 9780521548328 , 2004 , Kate Burridge
Language and thought in humans and computers: theory and research in psychology, artificial intelligence, and neural science
ISBN 9780275961794 , 1998 , Morton Wagman
Talking Across Boundaries in the Second Language Classroom
ISBN 9780826455369 , 2006 , Pauline Gibbons
Collins COBUILD English language dictionary
ISBN 9788257302948 , 1987
Changing work, changing workers: critical perspectives on language, literacy, and skills
ISBN 9780791432198 , 1997 , Glynda A. Hull, Glynda Huff
Three Methods of Ethics: Computer Assisted Studies of Language and Culture
ISBN 9780631194354 , 1997 , Philip Pettit, Michael Slote, Marcia W. Baron
A Computational Model of Natural Language Communication: Interpretation, Inference, and Production in Database Semantics
ISBN 9783642071300 , 2010 , Roland R. Hausser
An Intercultural Approach to English Language Teaching
ISBN 9781853596834 , 2003 , John Corbett
The Social Turn in Second Language Acquisition
ISBN 9780748615520 , 2003 , David Block
The Practice of English Language Teaching
ISBN 9780582403857 , 2001 , Jeremy Harmer
In Other Words: The Science and Psychology of Second-language Acquisition
ISBN 9780465032815 , 1995 , Ellen Bialystok, Kenji Hakuta
A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language
ISBN 9780123852069 , 2011 , Alan Moore, Sanford Friedenthal, Rick Steiner
Cross-linguistic Similarity in Foreign Language Learning
ISBN 9781853599354 , 2006 , Hakan Ringbom
Developmental Language Disorders: From Phenotypes to Etiologies
ISBN 9781138003897 , 2004 , Mabel L. Rice, Steven F. Warren
The Language of the Spirit: A Visual Key to Enlightenment and Destiny
ISBN 9781904292265 , 2003 , Jane Hope
Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms
ISBN 9780521458030 , 1994 , Jack C. Richards