Søk: 'Plants & Society. Estelle Levetin, Karen McMahon'
Explaining Federalism: State, Society and Congruence in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany and Switzerland
ISBN 9780415599559 , 2010 , Jan Erk
Ethics and Game Design: Teaching Values Through Play
ISBN 9781615208456 , 2010 , Karen Schrier
Explaining Federalism: State, Society and Congruence in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany and Switzerland
ISBN 9780415432054 , 2007 , Jan Erk
Territorial Conflicts in World Society: Modern Systems Theory, International Relations and Conflict Studies
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Shaping Society through Dance: Mestizo Ritual Performance in the Peruvian Andes
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The Dynamics of Democratization: Elites, Civil Society and the Transition Process
ISBN 9780333801970 , 2000 , Graeme J. Gill
The Post-Classical Predicament: Essays on Music and Society
ISBN 9781555532185 , 1995 , Joseph Horowitz
Street corner society: the social structure of an Italian slum
ISBN 9780226895451 , 1993 , William Foote Whyte
South Asian Religions: Tradition and Today
ISBN 9780415448529 , 2012 , Karen Pechilis, Selva J. Raj
Det barn ikke vet, har de vondt av: familiesamtaler med psykisk syke foreldre og deres barn
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Between Enterprise and Ethics: Business and Management in a Bimoral Society
ISBN 9780199267552 , 2004
One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society
ISBN 9780415289771 , 2002 , Herbert Marcuse, Douglas M. Kellner
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Authoritarianism: Puritanism, Democracy, and Society
ISBN 9780387493206 , 2007 , Milan Zafirovski
Mass Communication and Society: Special Issue: Advertising and Consumer Culture
ISBN 9780805897364 , 2000 , Matthew P. McAllister, Sharon R. Mazzarella
Economic Liberalization, Democratization, and Civil Society in the Developing World
ISBN 9780333720684 , 2000 , Janine A. Clark, Remonda Bensabat-Kleinberg
The Social Movement Society: Contentious Politics for a New Century
ISBN 9780847685417 , 1997 , David S. Meyer, Sidney George Tarrow
Explaining Society: An Introduction to Critical Realism in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780415221825 , 2001 , Berth Danermark, Roy Bhaskar
Agribusiness and Society: Corporate Responses to Environmentalism, Market Opportunities and Public Regulation
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Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal
ISBN 9781437707465 , 2012 , Karen M. Tobias
Headspace: Sniffer Dogs, Spy Bees and One Woman's Adventures in the Surveillance Society
ISBN 9780753515549 , 2009 , Amber Marks
Byzantium between the Ottomans and the Latins: Politics and Society in the Late Empire
ISBN 9780521877381 , 2009 , Nevra Necipoglu
Evolutionism and its critics: deconstructing and reconstructing an evolutionary interpretation of human society
ISBN 9781594513015 , 2006 , Stephen K. Sanderson
Creative Cities: Cultural Industries, Urban Development and the Information Society
ISBN 9789515580238 , 1999 , Jan Verwijnen, Panu Lehtovuori
The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Society
ISBN 9780816031238 , 1999 , Rudi R. Volti
The social movement society: contentious politics for a new century
ISBN 9780847685400 , 1997 , Sidney G. Tarrow, David S. Meyer
Norsk strikk: fra tradisjonsrike klassikere til moderne design
ISBN 9788292577547 , 2010 , Karen Marie Vinje
Afghanistan, Arms and Conflict: Armed Groups, Disarmament and Security in a Post-War Society
ISBN 9780415453080 , 2008 , Mark Sedra, Michael Vinay Bhatia
A Collection of Valuable Documents
ISBN 9781407659343 , 2012 , American Anti-Slavery Society
Christ's Body: Identity, Culture and Society in Late Medieval Writings
ISBN 9780203990063 , 1996 , Sarah Beckwith
In the Society of Nature: A Native Ecology in Amazonia
ISBN 9780521574679 , 1996 , Meyer Fortes, Edmund Leach, Jack Goody,m.fl.