Søk: 'Statistics For Psychology'
Advanced Calculus With Applications in Statistics
ISBN 9780470120699 , 2010 , Khuri
Know Your Chances: Understanding Health Statistics
ISBN 9780520252226 , 2008 , Steven Woloshin, Lisa M. Schwartz,m.fl.
Abnormal Psychology: Taking Sides - Clashing Views in Abnormal Psychology
ISBN 9780073515267 , 2008 , Richard P. Halgin
Health Psychology: A Textbook: A textbook
ISBN 9780335243839 , 2012 , Jane Ogden
Research Methods, Ethics and Statistics
ISBN 9788274771673 , 2004 , Edvard Befring
Applied Social Psychology
ISBN 9781405110679 , 2003 , Marilynn B. Brewer, Miles Hewstone
Essential Biological Psychology
ISBN 9780340808979 , 2003
Introducing Child Psychology
ISBN 9780631216285 , 2003 , H. Rudolph Schaffer
Social Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies
ISBN 9780857027566 , 2012 , Joanne R Smith, S Alexander Haslam
Casebook in Abnormal Psychology
ISBN 9780495604389 , 2009 , Timothy A. Brown, David H. Barlow
Yearbook of Nordic Statistics
ISBN 9789291201372 , 1993 , Nordic Council of Ministers
Social Psychology
ISBN 9781852784225 , 1993 , Elliot Aronson, Anthony R. Pratkanis
Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780534399429 , 2006 , 3. utgave
A dictionary of psychology
ISBN 9780198610359 , 2006 , Andrew M. Colman
Sinus for ettårig forkurs; matematikk for forkurset for ingeniørutdanning og maritim høgskoleutdanning
ISBN 9788202294120 , 2009 , Tore Oldervoll, Audhild Vaaje, Odd Orskaug,m.fl.
An Introduction to Social Psychology
ISBN 9780559530975 , 2008 , Charles Abram Ellwood
The Cartoon Guide to Statistics
ISBN 9780062731029 , 1993 , Larry Gonick, Woolcott Smith
Opportunities in Psychology Careers
ISBN 9780071545303 , 2008 , Charles M. Super, Donald Edwin Super
Opportunities in Psychology Careers
ISBN 9780071642088 , 2008 , Charles M. Super, Donald Edwin Super
Matematik for lærerstuderende - Delta
ISBN 9788759313404 , H.C Hansen, Jeppe Skott, Kristine Jess
Social Psychology, Plus MyPsychLab with Pearson Etext
ISBN 9781447936183 , 2012 , Pearson Education, Timothy D. Wilson,m.fl.
Understanding Basic Statistics: Excel 2007 Guide
ISBN 9780547189161 , 2009 , Charles Henry Brase, Corrinne Pellillo Brase
Elementary Statistics (with CD-ROM and Cengage, Infotrac 2-Semester, Ilrn Homework, Personal Tutor, Internet Companion for Statistics 2-Semester Printed Access Card)
ISBN 9780495017639 , 2006 , 10. utgave , Robert Russell Johnson, Patricia J. Kuby
Teaching Psychology: A Step-By-Step Guide
ISBN 9781138790346 , 2014 , Douglas A. Bernstein, Sandra Goss Lucas
Statistics: theory and methods
ISBN 9780534099428 , 1990 , Donald A. Berry, Bernard William Lindgren
Exploring Social Psychology
ISBN 9780072842128 , 2004 , Professor David G Myers
Academic Library Trends and Statistics for Carnegie Classification: Doctorate-granting Institutions 2006
ISBN 9780838984406 , 2007 , University of Illinois Library Research Center,m.fl.
Valuepack: Statistics for Buisness and Economics and student CD/Student Solutions manual
ISBN 9781405873079 , 2007 , Paul Newbold, Betty Thorne, Steven Huchendorf
Foundations of Health Psychology
ISBN 9789780195137 , 2007 , Howard S. Friedman, Roxane Cohen Silver
Using Psychology in the Classroom
ISBN 9781446201664 , 2012 , Stephen James Minton