Søk: 'The Changing Face of Dalmatia: Archeological and Ecological Studies in a Mediterranean Landscape'
Environmental governance in Europe: an ever closer ecological union?
ISBN 9780198297086 , 2000 , Geoffrey Pridham, Michelle Cini, Albert Weale,m.fl.
A View of the Contested Points in the Negotiation
ISBN 9781110541317 , 2009 , J. Debrett and J. Sewell, J. Debrett
Food and Cultural Studies
ISBN 9780415270397 , 2002 , Joanne Hollows, Bob Ashley, Ben Taylor,m.fl.
Changing work, changing workers: critical perspectives on language, literacy, and skills
ISBN 9780791432198 , 1997 , Glynda A. Hull, Glynda Huff
The Missional Leader: Equipping Your Church to Reach a Changing World
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The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols: The Ultimate A-Z Guide from Alchemy to the Zodiac
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The Aesthetics of Cultural Studies: An Anthropological Reader
ISBN 9780631223061 , 2004 , Michael Bérubé
African Worlds: Studies in Cosmological Ideas and Social Values of African Peoples
ISBN 9780852552810 , 1999 , International African Institute,m.fl.
Ecological Literacy: Educating Our Children for a Sustainable World
ISBN 9781578051533 , 2005 , Michael Stone, Zenobia Barlow, Fritjof Capra
Geographies of Development: An Introduction to Development Studies
ISBN 9780132228237 , 2008 , David W. Smith, Tony Binns, Jennifer A. Elliott,m.fl.
Changing Kingdoms: Choosing a Christ-Centered Life
ISBN 9780595326686 , 2004 , Kenneth E. Hultman
Changing Kingdoms: Choosing a Christ-Centered Life
ISBN 9780595780747 , 2004 , Kenneth E. Hultman
Introducing Cultural and Media Studies: A Semiotic Approach, Second Edition
ISBN 9780333972472 , 2002 , 2. utgave , Tony Thwaites, Lloyd Davis, Warwick Mules
Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness
ISBN 9780385303125 , 1996 , Jon Kabat-Zinn
Environmental Governance in Europe: An Ever Closer Ecological Union?
ISBN 9780199257478 , 2002 , Geoffrey Pridham, Michelle Cini, Albert Weale,m.fl.
Academic Writing in a Global Context: The Politics and Practices of Publishing in English
ISBN 9780415564717 , 2010 , Theresa M. Lillis, Stephen Bailey,m.fl.
Food and Cultural Studies
ISBN 9780415270380 , 2002 , Joanne Hollows, Bob Ashley, Ben Taylor,m.fl.
An Ecological Approach to Perceptual Learning and Development
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Building the New World: Studies in the Modern Architecture of Latin America, 1930-1960
ISBN 9781859843079 , 2000 , Valerie Fraser
Mark & Method: New Approaches in Biblical Studies
ISBN 9780800638511 , 2008
Critical ideas in television studies
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For Particular Reasons: Studies in Honour of Jerker Blomqvist
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Case Studies in Human Ecology
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In Search of the Holy Grail and the Precious Blood: A Travellers' Guide
ISBN 9780595498727 , 2008 , Deike Begg, Ean Begg
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies & Case Studies
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A Faith of Their Own: Stability and Change in the Religiosity of America's Adolescents
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Astronomical Dialogues Between a Gentleman and a Lady: Wherein the Doctrine of the Sphere, Uses of the Globes, and the Elements of Astronomy and Geography Are Explain'd. in a Pleasant, Easy, and Familiar Way. with a Description of the Famous Instrument...
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A Comparison of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Europe and in the USA
ISBN 9780415267809 , 2002 , Solomon M. Karmel, Justin Bryon