Søk: 'The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 4: The Friend'
The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer: Ideology as Style in the Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, and Jane Austen
ISBN 9780226675282 , 1985 , Mary Poovey
The Institutions of the European Union
ISBN 9780199279005 , 2006 , John Peterson, Michael Shackleton
Les 4
ISBN 9788203085048 , 2006 , Kari Grossmann, Åge Didriksen
A Treatise On the Criminal Law As Now Administered in the United States, Volume 2
ISBN 9781147227703 , 2010 , Emlin McClain
Defects and processes in the solid state: geoscience applications : the McLaren volume
ISBN 9780444817006 , 1993 , J.N. Boland, J.D.Fitz- Gerald, J.D. Fitzgerald
Defects and processes in the solid state: geoscience applications : the McLaren volume
ISBN 9780444817013 , 1993 , J.N. Boland, J.D.Fitz- Gerald, J.D. Fitzgerald
Unidroit Principles: Of International Commercial Contracts, 2010
ISBN 9788886449199 , 2010 , m.fl.
A Counterintelligence Reader, Volume IV: American Revolution Into the New Millenium
ISBN 9781780395388 , 2011 , National Counterintelligence Center,m.fl.
A Counterintelligence Reader, Volume IV: American Revolution Into the New Millenium
ISBN 9781780392318 , 2011 , National Counterintelligence Center,m.fl.
The Reliability of the New Testament
ISBN 9780800697730 , 2011 , Bart D. Ehrman, Robert B. Stewart
What Works for Whom?: A Critical Review of Psychotherapy Research
ISBN 9781593852726 , 2006 , Robert Woods, Anthony Roth, Peter Fongay,m.fl.
Glory Days: Works 1995-2007
ISBN 9783858812186 , 2008 , Bart De Baere, Marta Kuzma, Mikhail Ryklin,m.fl.
The Elements of Style
ISBN 9781292026640 , 2013 , William Strunk
A Catalogue of Books for the Library: Comprising a Selection of the Best Editions of Standard Works, by Ancient and Modern Authors, in All Departments of Literature, Science, and Art
ISBN 9781141770946 , 2010 , Henry Sotheran
The Cambridge Companion to British Literature of the French Revolution in the 1790s
ISBN 9780521731621 , 2011 , Pamela Clemit
The sociology of the body: mapping the abstraction of embodiment
ISBN 9780761940241 , 2006 , Kate Cregan
A People and a Nation, Volume 1: A History of the United States to 1877
ISBN 9780618947164 , 2007 , Howard P. Chudacoff, William M. Tuttle,m.fl.
The Effect of the Misuse of Familiar Words on the Character of Men and the Fate of Nations
ISBN 9781103315789 , 2009 , David Urquhart
The Effect of the Misuse of Familiar Words on the Character of Men and the Fate of Nations
ISBN 9781103315819 , 2009 , David Urquhart
Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture. Susan T. Fiske, Shelley E. Taylor
ISBN 9780071284868 , 2007 , Shelley E. Taylor
The Sociolinguistics of Globalization
ISBN 9780521710237 , 2010 , Jan Blommaert
History of Religious Ideas, Volume 2: From Gautama Buddha to the Triumph of Christianity
ISBN 9780226204031 , 1985 , Mircea Eliade, Willard R. Trask
Witchcraft and Magic in Europe, Volume 3: The Middle Ages
ISBN 9780485891034 , 2002 , Bengt Ankarloo, Stuart Clark, Karen Jolly,m.fl.
A Framework for Improving Knowledge-intense Business Processes: This Volume Reports on the Results of Research Into the Development of a Framework for the Improvement of Knowledge-intense Business Processes
ISBN 9783843369374 , 2010 , Peter Dalmaris
A Collection of Ppolish Works on Philosophical Problems of Time and Spacetime
ISBN 9789048160396 , 2010 , Helena Eilstein
The Nine Lives of Chloe King: The Fallen; The Stolen; The Chosen
ISBN 9781442435704 , 2011 , Liz Braswell
The Last of the Mohicans
ISBN 9781603124560 , 2008 , James Fenimore Cooper
The Call of the Weird
ISBN 9780330435703 , 2006 , Louis Theroux
Yearbook of International Environmental Law: Volume 20 2009
ISBN 9780199608829 , 2011 , David Hunter, Ole Kristian Fauchald, Wang Xi
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World
ISBN 9780718194000 , 2012