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Museum Europa: the European cultural heritage between economics and politics
ISBN 9788276346039 , 2003 , J. Peter Burgess
Economy/Society: Markets, Meanings, and Social Structure
ISBN 9780761986416 , 2000 , Bruce G. Carruthers
The Civil War: an Illustrated History
ISBN 9780679742777 , 1992 , Ken Burns, Geoffrey C. Ward, Ric Burns
The McDonaldization of Society
ISBN 9780761988120 , 2004 , George Ritzer
A Blueprint for Corporate Governance: Strategy, Accountability and the Preservation of Shareholder Value
ISBN 9780814405864 , 2003 , Fred R. Kaen
The Institutions of the European Union
ISBN 9780199279005 , 2006 , John Peterson, Michael Shackleton
Macroeconomics: a European Perspective
ISBN 9780273771685 , 2013 , Olivier Blanchard, Alessia Amighini
The McDonaldization of society 6
ISBN 9781412980128 , 2011 , George Ritzer
Children and Childhood in Western Society Since 1500
ISBN 9780582784536 , 2005 , Hugh Cunningham
Agents of Atrocity: Leaders, Followers, and the Violation of Human Rights in Civil War
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A Guide to European Union Law and Institutions
ISBN 9781847161604 , 2010 , Richard Wallis
Professional Learning in the Knowledge Society
ISBN 9789460919923 , 2012 , Karen Jensen, Monika Nerland
Myth and Society in Ancient Greece
ISBN 9780942299168 , 1989 , Janet Lloyd, Jean-Pierre Vernant
About Europe: Look at the European Union and the Member States
ISBN 9780953119202 , 1997 , Robert Stevens, Melanie Oliver
Images of the Body in India: South Asian and European Perspectives on Rituals and Performativity
ISBN 9780415602303 , 2010 , Christoph Wulf, Axel Michaels
Policy-Making in the European Union
ISBN 9780199689675 , 2014 , Alasdair R. Young
European Television in the Digital Age: Issues, Dyamnics and Realities
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Contested Sovereignties: Government and Democracy in Middle Eastern and European Perspectives
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The European Cinema Reader
ISBN 9780415240925 , 2002 , Catherine Fowler
The society of others
ISBN 9780385606820 , 2004 , William Nicholson
The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Information Society
ISBN 9780674169869 , 1989 , James R. Beniger
Asserting Jurisdiction: International and European Legal Approaches
ISBN 9781841133058 , 2003 , Patrick Capps, Malcolm David Evans,m.fl.
Myth and Society in Ancient Greece
ISBN 9780942299175 , 1990 , Janet Lloyd, Jean-Pierre Vernant
Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis - New Public Management, Governance, and the Neo-Weberian State
ISBN 9780199595082 , 2011 , Christopher Pollitt, Geert Bouckaert
Media Technology and Society: A History : From the Telegraph to the Internet
ISBN 9780415142304 , 1998
Church and Society in England, 1000-1500
ISBN 9780333691441 , 2003
Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict
ISBN 9780231156837 , 2012 , Erica Chenoweth, Maria J. Stephan
The State in Capitalist Society
ISBN 9780850366884 , 2009 , Ralph Miliband
Civil Service Performance Indicators
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A Practitioner's Guide to Takeovers and Mergers in the European Union
ISBN 9781905121304 , 2008 , City & Financial