Søk: 'Brand Leadership: Building Assets In an Information Economy'
Global Woman: Nannies, Maids and Sex Workers in the New Economy
ISBN 9781862075887 , 2003 , Barbara Ehrenreich, Arlie Russell Hochschild
Global Woman: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers in the New Economy
ISBN 9780805069952 , 2003 , Barbara Ehrenreich, Arlie Russell Hochschild
Marketing Leadership in Hospitality and Tourism: Strategies and Tactics for Competitive Advantage
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International Joint Ventures: An Interplay of Cooperative and Noncooperative Games Under Incomplete Information
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Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm
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Capital; A Critique of Political Economy
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Introduction to Programming in Python: An Interdisciplinary Approach
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Political Leadership in a Global Age: The Experience of France and Norway
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Building the peace: experiences of collaborative peacebuilding in Somalia 1993-1996
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Business Communication: Building Critical Skills
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Building Strategies. Students' Book
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Product Leadership: Pathways to Profitable Innovation
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Digital Media: Building the Global Audience
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An Introduction to Sociology in Ireland
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Information and communication technology in organizations: adoption, implementation, use and effects
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Strategy in NATO: Preparing for an Imperfect World
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The cecline of the pulp and paper industry in Norway, 1950-1980: a study of a closed system in an open economy
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Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology
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Physiotherapy in Respiratory and Cardiac Care: An Evidence-Based Approach
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Developing Potential Across a Full Range of Leadership TM: Cases on Transactional and Transformational Leadership
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Governing the Global Economy: Politics, Institutions, and Economic Development
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Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy
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The Growth of the International Economy, 1820-1960: An Introductory Text
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The misfit economy : lessons in creativity from pirates, hackers, gangsters and other informal entrepreneurs
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Information & Communication Technologies in Action: Linking Theory & Narratives of Practice
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Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership
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Career Smart: Five Steps to a Powerful Personal Brand
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Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice
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Accounting Information Systems: Global Edition
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Information Systems Today: International Version
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