Søk: 'Britannia, Europa and Christendom: British Christians and European Integration'
The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture
ISBN 9780521683463 , 2010 , John Storey, Michael Higgins
The Great British Bake Off: How to Bake : the Perfect Victoria Sponge and Other Baking Secrets
ISBN 9781849902687 , 2011 , Linda Collister, Love Productions, Paul Hollywood
All the Russias; Travels and Studies in Contemporary European Russia Finland Siberia
ISBN 9781113613936 , 2009
Comparative Analyses of Operating Hours and Working Times in the European Union
ISBN 9783790821840 , 2009
Øst-Europa etter murens fall
ISBN 9788203291067 , 1999 , Jardar Seim
Contaminated land: reclamation, redevelopment, and reuse in the United States and the European Union
ISBN 9781858982434 , 1995 , Peter B. Meyer, Richard H. Williams,m.fl.
Guide to Hepatitis C
ISBN 9780727910974 , 1996 , m.fl.
Balkan Family Structure And the European Pattern: Demographic Developments in Ottoman Bulgaria
ISBN 9789637326455 , 2006 , Marii?a? Nikolaeva Todorova, Maria N. Todorova
Comparative Foundations of a European Law of Set-Off and Prescription
ISBN 9780521814614 , 2002
British Novelists and Indian Nationalism: Contrasting Approaches in the Works of Mary Margaret Kaye, James Gordon Smith and Sadie Smith
ISBN 9781933146775 , 2009 , Fatma Kalpakli
African Agency and European Colonialism: Latitudes of Negotiations and Containment : Essays in Honor of A.S. Kanya-Forstner
ISBN 9780761838463 , 2007 , Femi James Kolapo, Kwabena O. Akurang-Parry,m.fl.
The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul
ISBN 9780300098617 , 2003 , Wayne A. Meeks
Federalism and the European Union: The Building of Europe, 1950-2000
ISBN 9781857287172 , 1999 , Michael Burgess
A History of the Modern British Isles, 1914-1999: Circumstances, Events and Outcomes
ISBN 9780631195214 , 2000 , Arthur Marwick
Macroeconomics: A European Text
ISBN 9780199236824 , 2009 , Charles Wyplosz, Michael Burda
The Political System of the European Union
ISBN 9780230249820 , 2011 , Simon Hix
Symbolic Interactionism: An Introduction, An Interpretation, An Integration
ISBN 9780136051930 , 2009 , Joel M. Charon
The Contemporary British Society Reader
ISBN 9780745622620 , 2000 , Alan Warde, Nicholas Abercrombie
European Environment Outlook
ISBN 9789291677696 , 2005 , European Environment Agency
An Introduction to European Law
ISBN 9781107654440 , 2012
Policy-Making in the European Union
ISBN 9780199689675 , 2014 , Alasdair R. Young
A Century of British Medieval Studies
ISBN 9780197263952 , 2007 , Alan Deyermond
British Political Theory in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9781405199995 , 2010 , Paul Kelly
The politics of persuasion: British policy and French African neutrality, 1940-1942
ISBN 9780819169839 , 1988 , Desmond Dinan
Sparta in Laconia: Proceedings of the 19th British Museum Classical Colloquium Held with the British School at Athens and King's and University Colleges, London 6-8 December 1995
ISBN 9780904887365 , 1998 , S. Walker, W. G. Cavanagh
Culture and Power at the Edges of the State: National Support and Subversion in European Border Regions
ISBN 9783825875695 , 2005 , Thomas M. Wilson, Hastings Donnan
Restructuring Europe: Centre Formation, System Building, and Political Structuring Between the Nation State and the European Union
ISBN 9780199286430 , 2005 , Stefano Bartolini
European Democratic Culture
ISBN 9780415124195 , 1995 , Gérard Duprat,m.fl.
A wider Europe: the process and politics of European Union enlargement
ISBN 9780847690374 , 2000 , Michael J. Baun
A wider Europe: the process and politics of European Union enlargement
ISBN 9780847690367 , 2000 , Michael J. Baun