Søk: 'British Cultural Studies: Geography, Nationality, and Identity'
Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ISBN 9781111301521 , 2010 , James G. Peoples, Garrick Alan Bailey
Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School
ISBN 9780710094094 , 1983 , Adam Kuper
American Studies Anthology (4)
ISBN 9780842028295 , 2001 , Richard P. Horwitz
A Geography of Urban Places
ISBN 9780415489577 , 2008 , Robert G. Putnam, Frank J. Taylor,m.fl.
Key Concepts in Urban Geography
ISBN 9781412930420 , 2008 , Dr. Alan Latham, Derek McCormack, Kim McNamara,m.fl.
Urban Social Geography: An Introduction
ISBN 9780131249448 , 2006 , Paul Leslie Knox, Stephen Pinch
Geography: History and Concepts : a Student's Guide
ISBN 9780389208075 , 1988 , Professor Arild Holt-Jensen
The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415905190 , 1993 , Henry Abelove, Michele Alna Barale,m.fl.
Asperger Syndrome, Adolescence, and Identity: Looking Beyond the Label
ISBN 9781843101260 , 2004 , Harvey Molloy, Latika Vasil
Oceanic Sociallities and Cultural Forms: Ethnographies of Experience
ISBN 9781571815583 , 2003 , Ingjerd Hoeem, Sidsel Roalkvam
An Introduction to Political Geography: Space, Place and Politics
ISBN 9780415250764 , 2004 , Martin Jones, Rhys Jones, Michael Woods
An Introduction to Political Geography: Space, Place and Politics
ISBN 9780415250771 , 2004 , Martin Jones, Rhys Jones, Michael Woods
Applied Theatre: International Case Studies and Challenges for Practice
ISBN 9781841502816 , 2009 , Monica Prendergast, Juliana Saxton
Reinventing Film Studies
ISBN 9780340677230 , 2000 , Linda Williams, Christine Gledhill
Modernism: A Cultural History
ISBN 9780745629834 , 2005 , Tim Armstrong
AQA Business Studies for A2: Answers and Resources
ISBN 9781444112917 , 2010 , Ian Harrison, Ian Marcouse, Malcolm Surridge,m.fl.
The Performance Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415772754 , 2007 , Henry Bial
Hermaphroditism, Medical Science and Sexual Identity in Spain, 1850-1960
ISBN 9780708322048 , 2009 , Richard Cleminson, Francisco Vazquez Garcia
Fifteenth-Century Studies
ISBN 9781571132734 , 2003 , Edelgard E. DuBruck, Barbara I. Gusick,m.fl.
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies & Case Studies
ISBN 9780071270977 , 2007 , David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky,m.fl.
British Civilization: A Student's Dictionary
ISBN 9780415307765 , 2003
Research Methodologies in Translation Studies
ISBN 9781909485006 , 2013 , Gabriela Saldanha, Sharon O'Brien
British Politics Since 1945
ISBN 9780631190752 , 1995 , Peter Dorey
Events Management: For Tourism, Cultural, Business and Sporting Events
ISBN 9781442534889 , 2010 , Laurence Whitehead, Lynn Van Der Wagen
International Development Studies: Theories and Methods in Research and Practice
ISBN 9781412929448 , 2008 , Andy Sumner, Andrew Sumner, Michael A. Tribe
American Cultural Patterns: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
ISBN 9781877864018 , 1991 , Ed C. Stewart
Cultural theory: an introduction
ISBN 9781405169073 , 2008 , Phil Smith, Philip Smith, Alexander Riley
Cultural Theory: An Anthology
ISBN 9781405180825 , 2010 , Imre Szeman, Timothy Kaposy
Am I still a woman?: hysterectomy and gender identity
ISBN 9781592132119 , 2004
Media, Modernity And Technology: The Geography of the New
ISBN 9780415333429 , 2006 , David Morley