Søk: 'Collapsibles: A Design Album of Space-Saving Objects'
Design Methods
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Professional WordPress: Design and Development
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Practical Research: Planning and Design
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Spa & Health Club Design
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Attention, Space, and Action: Studies in Cognitive Neuroscience
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Structural Design for Fire Safety
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Drift av lokalnettverk: design, sikkerhet
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A Century of Media, a Century of War
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Introduction to Partial Differential Equations and Hilbert Space Methods
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Analyzing Single System Design Data
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New Scandinavian design
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Game Design Perspectives
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Biographies and Space: Placing the Subject in Art and Architecture
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Graphic Design: The New Basics
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Principles of Object-oriented Analysis and Design
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Design of Slender Reinforced Concrete Frames
ISBN 9783764306946 , 1973 , Knut Aas-Jakobsen