Søk: 'Embodied visions: evolution, emotion, culture, and film'
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780072878806 , 2003 , David Bordwell
A Long Way Down (Film Tie-In)
ISBN 9780241968895 , 2014 , Nick Hornby
Children and the Politics of Culture
ISBN 9780691043289 , 1995 , Sharon Stephens
Is Conscience an Emotion?: Three Lectures on Recent Ethical Theories
ISBN 9781110392858 , 2009 , Rashdall Hastings
Is Conscience an Emotion?: Three Lectures on Recent Ethical Theories
ISBN 9781110392896 , 2009 , Rashdall Hastings
Film Studies: A Reader
ISBN 9780340692790 , 2000 , Joanne Hollows, Mark Jancovich, Peter Hutchings,m.fl.
Foundations of Language: Brain, Meaning, Grammar, Evolution
ISBN 9780199264377 , 2003 , Ray Jackendoff
Really easy piano Film songs
ISBN 9781844495702 , 2004 , Bish Bash Books
American Culture: An Anthology
ISBN 9780415360937 , 2007
Approaches to Popular Film
ISBN 9780719043932 , 1995 , Joanne Hollows, Mark Jancovich
Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture
ISBN 9780195314403 , 2009 , Marita Sturken, Lisa Cartwright
Introduction to Korean History and Culture
ISBN 9780930878085 , 1997 , Andrew C. Nahm
Cinema Wars: Hollywood Film and Politics in the Bush-Cheney Era
ISBN 9781405198240 , 2009 , Douglas M. Kellner
Emotion in social life: the lost heart of society
ISBN 9780761943655 , 2004 , Derek Layder
Emotion in Social Life: The Lost Heart of Society
ISBN 9780761943662 , 2004 , Derek Layder
Film og pedagogikk: dialog og refleksjon i møte med film
ISBN 9788290463934 , 2000 , Ola Erstad, Lars Thomas Braaten
Guide For Internationals: Culture, Communication, and ESL*
ISBN 9780131705241 , 2005 , Deborah Valentine, Sana Reynolds
Evolution Since Darwin: The First 150 Years
ISBN 9780878934133 , 2010 , Douglas Futuyma, Michael Bell, Walter Eanes,m.fl.
The Leader of the Future 2: Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era
ISBN 9780787986674 , 2006 , Frances Hesselbein, Marshall Goldsmith,m.fl.
Mitt liv som film
ISBN 9788210047053 , 2002 , Tor Åge Bringsværd, Anne Hoff
Selvets udvikling: evolution, flow og det gode samfund
ISBN 9788777064395 , Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Global Culture: Media, Arts, Policy and Globalisation
ISBN 9780415932295 , 2002 , Diana Crane, Nobuko Kawashima, Ken?ichi Kawasaki
Anthropology and Social Theory: Culture, Power, and the Acting Subject
ISBN 9780822338642 , 2007 , Sherry B. Ortner
Organization Theory and the Public Sector: Instrument, Culture and Myth
ISBN 9780415433808 , 2007 , Tom Christensen, Paul G. Roness, Per Lagrid,m.fl.
Dziga Vertov: Defining Documentary Film
ISBN 9781845113773 , 2007 , Jeremy Hicks
New Moon (film tie-in)
ISBN 9781905654604 , 2009 , Stephenie Meyer
Transnational Cinema, the Film Reader
ISBN 9780415371582 , 2005 , Elizabeth Ezra, Terry Rowden, Ina Rae Hark,m.fl.
On Film Editing
ISBN 9780240517384 , 1984 , Edward Dmytryk
American science fiction and the Cold War: literature and film
ISBN 9781853312274 , 1999
Charles Dickens' Great expectations: the relationship between text and film
ISBN 9780713679090 , 2008 , Brian McFarlane