Søk: 'Engineering Design Methods'
Practical Research: Planning and Design
ISBN 9780132693240 , 2013 , Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Paul D. Leedy
Applied Drilling Engineering
ISBN 9781555630010 , 1986
Methods in Behavioral Research
ISBN 9780071213813 , 2002 , Cozby
Mathematical methods: standard level
ISBN 9780958568616 , 2000
The Science and Engineering of Materials
ISBN 9780495296027 , 2011 , Donald R. Askeland
Engineering Mechanics - V1 Statics 7E SI with Engineering Mechanics - V2 Dynamics 7E SI Set
ISBN 9781118619957 , 2012 , 7. utgave , J. L. Meriam
Spa & Health Club Design
ISBN 9783832790745 , 2005 , Ana G. Cañizares, Encarna Castillo
Structural Design for Fire Safety
ISBN 9780470972892 , 2012 , Andrew H. Buchanan
Design and Analysis of Experiments
ISBN 9781118097939 , 2012 , Douglas C. Montgomery
Drift av lokalnettverk: design, sikkerhet
ISBN 9788251920759 , 2005 , Per Borgesen, Arne B. Mikalsen
Biodiversity Economics: Principles, Methods and Applications
ISBN 9780521154659 , 2010 , Andreas Kontoleon, Timothy Swanson
Analyzing Single System Design Data
ISBN 9780195369625 , 2009
Principles of Hydraulic System Design
ISBN 9781901892154 , 2008 , Peter J. Chapple
New Scandinavian design
ISBN 9780811840408 , 2004 , Katherine E. Nelson, Raul Cabra
Game Design Perspectives
ISBN 9781584500902 , 2002 , François Dominic Laramée
Basic Environmental and Engineering Geology
ISBN 9781904445029 , 2008 , G. Bell F
Engineering and Managing Software Requirements
ISBN 9783642064074 , 2010 , Aybuke Aurum, Claes Wohlin
Cardiovascular disease: methods and protocols
ISBN 9781588295729 , 2006 , Qing Kenneth Wang
Applied Engineering Statistics
ISBN 9780824785031 , 1991 , Robert M. Bethea, Russell Thinehart,m.fl.
Fundamentals of engineering economics
ISBN 9780130307910 , 2004 , Chan S. Park
Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics
ISBN 9780471731948 , 2004 , Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro, Borgnakke
Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics
ISBN 9780131246799 , 2004 , Rao Nannapaneni
Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics
ISBN 9780131139619 , 2004 , Nannapaneni Narayana Rao
Engineering Mechanics: Statics Si
ISBN 9780131278448 , 2004 , R.C. Hibbeler
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics Si
ISBN 9780131278431 , 2004 , R. C. Hibbeler, S. C. Fan
Introduction to Engineering Experimentation
ISBN 9780131246850 , 2004 , Anthony J. Wheeler, Ahmad Reza Ganji
C++ for Computer Science and Engineering
ISBN 9781941415535
Stochastic claims reserving methods in insurance
ISBN 9780470723463 , 2008 , Mario V. Wuthrich, Michael Merz
Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780137131501 , 2009 , Barbara Finlay
Advanced engineering mathematics: a new edition of Further engineering mathematics
ISBN 9781403903129 , 2003 , Dexter J. Booth, K. A. Stroud