Søk: 'Fifty Contemporary Filmmakers'
A history of contemporary Italy: society and politics, 1943-1988
ISBN 9780140124965 , 1990 , Paul Ginsborg
Citizen and subject: contemporary Africa and the legacy of late colonialism
ISBN 9780691027937 , 1996 , Mahmood Mamdani
The Making of Contemporary Africa: Development of African Society Since 1800
ISBN 9780333698723 , 1998 , Bill Freund
Licensing Best Practices: The LESI Guide to Strategic Issues and Contemporary Realities
ISBN 9780471219521 , 2002 , Robert Goldscheider
Lucas/ Luke: Del Texto Biblico a Una Aplicacion Contemporanea/ From Biblical Text to a Contemporary Life
ISBN 9780829753912 , 2011
Studyguide for Contemporary Political Ideologies: A Comparative Analysis by Lyman Tower Sargent, ISBN 9780155060630
ISBN 9781428821729 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
Studyguide for The Worlds Religions: Worldviews and Contemporary Issues by William A Young, ISBN 9780131830103
ISBN 9781616544638 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
All Consuming Images: The Politics Of Style In Contemporary Culture
ISBN 9780465001019 , 1990
A communitarian defense of liberalism : Emile Durkheim and contemporary social theory
ISBN 9780804723657 , 1994 , Mark S. Cladis
Contemporary issues in historical archaeology: proceedints of the XV world congress, Lisbon, 4-9 september 2006
ISBN 9781407305592 , 2010 , Pedro Paulo A. Funari, Andres Zarankin,m.fl.
Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood
ISBN 9780750707039 , 1997 , Allison James, Alan Prout
Britain at War, 1942: A Collection of Contemporary Documents
ISBN 9780305620301 , 1973 , Angus Calder
Liberalism at the crossroads: an introduction to contemporary liberal political theory and its critics
ISBN 9780742532717 , 2003 , Christopher Wolfe,m.fl.
Liberalism at the crossroads: an introduction to contemporary liberal political theory and its critics
ISBN 9780742532700 , 2003 , Christopher Wolfe,m.fl.
Screening China: critical interventions, cinematic reconfigurations, and the transnational imaginary in contemporary Chinese cinema
ISBN 9780892641581 , 2003 , Zhang Yingjin
A communitarian defense of liberalism: Emile Durkheim and contemporary social theory
ISBN 9780804720427 , 1992 , Mark S. Cladis
A Community of Witches: Contemporary Neo-paganism and Witchcraft in the United States
ISBN 9781570032462 , 1999 , Helen A. Berger
Kill as Few Patients as Possible: And Fifty-six Other Essays on how to be the World's Best Doctor
ISBN 9780898151978 , 1987 , Oscar London
Understanding African Philosophy: A Cross-cultural Approach to Classical and Contemporary Issues in Africa
ISBN 9780415939379 , 2002 , Richard H. Bell
Brain, mind, and human behavior in contemporary cognitive science: critical assessments of the philosophy of psychology
ISBN 9780773453159 , 2007 , Jeff Coulter, Wes Sharrock, P. M. S. Hacker
Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective on Markets, Law, Ethics, and Culture
ISBN 9780521703864 , 2007 , Jerry Evensky
To Be a Jew: A Guide to Jewish Observance in Contemporary Life
ISBN 9780465086320 , 1998 , Hayim Halevy Donin
Class and Politics in Contemporary Social Science: Marxism Lite and Its Blind Spot for Culture
ISBN 9780202306896 , 2004
The Brand You 50 (Reinventing Work): Fifty Ways to Transform Yourself from an 'Employee' into a Brand That Shouts Distinction, Commitment, and Passion!
ISBN 9780375407727 , 1999 , Tom Peters
Matter and Consciousness: A Contemporary Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind
ISBN 9780262530743 , 1988
A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism: The nation-state and violence
ISBN 9780745600321 , 1987 , Anthony Giddens
Contemporary Egypt: Through Egyptian Eyes: Essays in Honour of P. J. Vatikiotis
ISBN 9780415061032 , 1993 , Charles Tripp
Studyguide for Contemporary Political Ideologies - A Comparative Analysis: A Comparative Analysis by Lyman Tower Sargent, ISBN 9780495569398
ISBN 9781428884298 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
At home in the world?: international migration and development in contemporary Ghana and West Africa
ISBN 9789988550790 , 2005 , Takyiwaa Manuh,m.fl.
Class and Politics in Contemporary Social Science: "Marxism Lite" and Its Blind Spot for Culture
ISBN 9780202306889 , 2004