Søk: 'Health promotion : theory and practice'
Democratization: theory and experience
ISBN 9780199253289 , 2002 , Laurence Whitehead
Social Theory and Religion
ISBN 9780521774314 , 2003 , James A. Beckford
International economics: theory and policy
ISBN 9780321493040 , 2008 , Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld
International Handbook of Work and Health Psychology
ISBN 9780470998069 , 2009 , Marc J. Schabracq
Principles and Practice of Mixtures Toxicology
ISBN 9783527632114 , 2011 , Moiz Mumtaz
Smart Health Choices
ISBN 9781905140176 , 2007 , Les Irwig, Melissa Sweet, Lyndal Trevena
Measuring Health
ISBN 9780335215270 , 2004
Anti-Discriminatory Practice: Equality, Diversity and Social Justice
ISBN 9780230250130 , 2012 , Neil Thompson
Aging and the elderly: psychology, sociology and health
ISBN 9781600211904 , 2007 , L.O. Randall
Principles and Practice of Marketing
ISBN 9780077114152 , 2007 , David Jobber
International Economics: Theory and Policy
ISBN 9780321488831 , 2008 , Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld
Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice
ISBN 9780500284414 , 2004 , Colin Renfrew, Paul G. Bahn
A Sociology of Mental Health and Illness
ISBN 9780335236657 , 2010 , Anne Rogers, David Pilgrim
Aging: Mental Aspects, Social Welfare and Health
ISBN 9781613245798 , 2012 , Jim P. Heckles, Laura M. Bergin
Influence: Science and Practice
ISBN 9780673467515 , 1993 , Robert B. Cialdini
Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Readings
ISBN 9780195365627 , 2009 , Leo Braudy, Marshall Cohen
Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory: Text and Readings
ISBN 9781412992336 , 2011 , Scott A. Appelrouth
Studyguide for Advertising and Promotion by Belch & Belch, ISBN 9780072536768: 0072536764
ISBN 9781428804951 , 2006 , Belch and Belch
Software Architecture in Practice
ISBN 9780321815736 , 2012 , Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman
Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance
ISBN 9780071316262 , 2012 , Scott K Powers, Edward T Howley, Ph.D.
Work, Worklessness, and the Political Economy of Health
ISBN 9780199588299 , 2011 , Clare Bambra
Subcultures: Cultural Histories and Social Practice
ISBN 9780415379526 , 2007 , Kenneth Gelder
A Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy: Its Theory and Practice, for the Use of Electrical Engineers, Students, and Operators
ISBN 9781147623048 , 2010 , James Erskine-Murray
Environmental Archaeology: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780521310772 , 2000
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780078111679 , 2010 , George Ritzer
Wireless communications: principles and practice
ISBN 9780130422323 , 2001 , Theodore S. Rappaport
Global Health Governance: International Law And Public Health In A Divided World
ISBN 9780802080004 , 2005
Relevance Theory
ISBN 9780521702416 , 2013 , Billy Clark
Organizational Theory, Design, and Change
ISBN 9780136087311 , 2009 , Gareth R. Jones
Manual of Dietetic Practice
ISBN 9780470656228 , 2014 , Joan Gandy