Søk: 'Issues in Cultural Tourism Studies'
Arts Leadership: International Case Studies
ISBN 9780734611581 , 2012 , Jo Caust
Solomonic Judgements: Studies in the Limitations of Rationality
ISBN 9780521378154 , 1989
Essays in Migratory Aesthetics: Cultural Practices Between Migration and Art-making
ISBN 9789042022362 , 2007 , Sam Durrant, Catherine M. Lord
The Cultural Nature of Human Development
ISBN 9780195131338 , 2003 , Barbara Rogoff
Tourism development: principles, processes, and policies
ISBN 9780442001223 , 1996 , William C. Gartner
African Stars: Studies in Black South African Performance
ISBN 9780226217222 , 1991 , Veit Erlmann
Ethical Issues in Mental Health Research with Children and Adolescents
ISBN 9780805819533 , 1996 , Celia B. Fisher, Peter Jensen, Hoagwood Kimberly
Cultural expression, creativity and innovation
ISBN 9781412920858 , 2010 , Yudhishthir Raj Isar
Translation studies [electronic resource]
ISBN 9780415280143 , 2002 , Susan Bassnett-McGuire
European Multiculturalisms: Cultural, Religious and Ethnic Challenges
ISBN 9780748644513 , 2011
Cultural Citizenship: Cosmopolitan Questions
ISBN 9780335208784 , 2003 , Nick Stevenson
Lives Aross Cultures: Cross-Cultural Human Development
ISBN 9780205841745 , 2010 , Corinne Kosmitzki, Harry W. Gardiner
AQA Media Studies AS
ISBN 9780748798148 , 2008 , Elspeth Stevenson, Julia Burton
Reader in Greek Sociolinguistics: Studies in Modern Greek Language, Culture, and Communication
ISBN 9783906764894 , 2001 , Alexandra Georgakopoulou, Marianna Spanaki
Accounting for Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure
ISBN 9780582312951 , 1998 , Gareth Owen
Marketing Management for Travel and Tourism
ISBN 9780748727834 , 1998
Whose news?: the media and women's issues
ISBN 9780761934936 , 2006 , Ammu Joseph, Kalpana Sharma
Managing cultural differences
ISBN 9780872014565 , 1991 , Philip Robert Harris
Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Developmental Issues
ISBN 9781861563316 , 2002 , Stephen von Tetzchner, Nicola Grove
Feminist Media Studies
ISBN 9780803985544 , 1994 , Liesbet van Zoonen
The Routledge Handbook of Security Studies
ISBN 9780415664721 , 2011 , Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Victor Mauer
Arts of Mughal India: studies in honour of Robert Skelton
ISBN 9781890206710 , 2004 , Rosemary Creill, Susan Stronge, Andrew Topsfield
Case Studies in Performance Management: A Guide from the Experts
ISBN 9780471776598 , 2006 , Tony C. Adkins
How to Write Essays, Coursework Projects and Dissertations in Literary Studies
ISBN 9780582784550 , 2005 , Alan Durant, Nigel Fabb
Content, Expression and Structure: Studies in Danish Functional Grammar
ISBN 9789027230324 , 1996 , Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen
Issues in green criminology: confronting harms against environments, humanity and other animals
ISBN 9781843922193 , 2007 , Nigel South, Piers Beirne
Arts in cultural diversity: a selection of papers
ISBN 9780039002343 , 1980 , International Society For Education Through Art,m.fl.
Nature-Based Tourism, Environment and Land Management
ISBN 9780851997322 , 2003 , Ralf Buckley, Catherine Pickering,m.fl.
Moving Media Studies: Remediation Revisited
ISBN 9788759312612 , 2007 , Lars Qvortrup, Heidi Philipsen
A Poem Containing History: Textual Studies in The Cantos
ISBN 9780472102327 , 1997 , Lawrence S. Rainey