Søk: 'Language and Species'
Advances in Speech, Hearing and Language Processing: A Research Annual
ISBN 9781559382106 , 1990 , W.A. Ainsworth
Non-Violent Communication, A Language of Life
ISBN 9781892005038 , 2003 , Marshall B. Rosenberg, Arun Gandhi
Acts of Identity: Creole-based Approaches to Language and Ethnicity
ISBN 9780521316040 , 1985 , Robert Brock Le Page, Andrée Tabouret-Keller
SysML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Systems Modeling Language
ISBN 9780321927866 , 2013 , Lenny Delligatti
Ethics and Science: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521702676 , 2012 , Adam Briggle, Carl Mitcham
Concurrent Programming: The Java Progamming Language
ISBN 9780195113150 , 1998 , Stephen J. Hartley
Meaning and Context: An Introduction to the Psychology of Language
ISBN 9780306422966 , 1986
Catching language: the standing challenge of grammar writing
ISBN 9783110186031 , 2006 , Nicholas Evans, Felix K. Ameka,m.fl.
Social Lives in Language: Sociolinguistics and Multilingual Speech Communities : Celebrating the Work of Gillian Sankoff
ISBN 9789027218636 , 2008 , Miriam Meyerhoff, Gillian Sankoff, Naomi Nagy
Speaking, reading, and writing in children with language learning disabilities: new paradigms in research and practice
ISBN 9780805833669 , 2002 , Katharine G. Butler, Elaine R. Silliman
Language, literacy and learning in primary schools: implications for teacher development programs in Nigeria
ISBN 9780821370483 , 2007 , Olatunde A. Adekola
How to Show Things With Words: A Study on Logic, Language And Literature
ISBN 9783110179958 , 2004 , Rui Linhares-Dias
On the Origin of Language
ISBN 9780226730127 , 1986 , Rousseau Jean-Jacques, John H. Moran,m.fl.
A Linguistic Anthropology of Praxis and Language Shift: ArvanÃtika (Albanian) and Greek in Contact
ISBN 9780198237310 , 1998 , Lukas D. Tsitsipis
An Introduction to Children With Language Disorders
ISBN 9780205420421 , 2005 , Vicki A. Reed
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language
ISBN 9780521530330 , 2003 , David Crystal
Pathways to language: from fetus to adolescent
ISBN 9780674004764 , 2001 , Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Kyra Karmiloff
Learner Autonomy Across Cultures: Language Education Perspectives
ISBN 9781403993403 , 2005 , David Palfreyman, Richard C. Smith
Head First: The Language of the Head Voice
ISBN 9780761836711 , 2007
Assembly Language Step-By-Step: Programming with Linux
ISBN 9780470497029 , 2009 , Jeff Duntemann
The Classical Language of Architecture
ISBN 9780500201770 , 1980 , John Summerson
The Classroom Troubleshooter: Strategies for Dealing With Marking and Paperwork, Discipline, Evaluation, and Learning Through Language
ISBN 9781551381626 , 2003
A Compendious History of English Literature, and of the English Language from the Norman Conquest.
ISBN 9781115852289 , 2009 , George Lillie Craik
A Compendious History of English Literature, and of the English Language from the Norman Conquest.
ISBN 9781115852296 , 2009 , George Lillie Craik
A Short Practical and Easy Method of Learning the Old Norsk Tongue or Icelandic Language
ISBN 9781110210572 , 2009 , Rasmus Kristian Rask
A Short Practical and Easy Method of Learning the Old Norsk Tongue or Icelandic Language
ISBN 9781110210602 , 2009 , Rasmus Kristian Rask
A Test-Book for Students: Comprising Sets of Examination Papers Upon Language and Literature, History and Geography, and Mathematicaland Physical Scie
ISBN 9781142703493 , 2010 , Thomas Stantial
A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, Volume I
ISBN 9780559174575 , 2008 , John Payne Collier
A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, Volume III
ISBN 9780559381324 , 2008 , John Payne Collier
A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, Volume IV
ISBN 9780559595035 , 2008 , John Payne Collier