Søk: 'Letter Writing in Greco-Roman Antiquity (LEC)'
Veggen: roman
ISBN 9788205309210 , 2003 , Marlen Haushofer
Tyskungen: roman
ISBN 9788252163148 , 2003 , Inge Eberg Johansen
Barfrost: roman
ISBN 9788274881341 , 2003 , Ján Johanides, Lubo Mauer
Katzenjammer: roman
ISBN 9788249501946 , 2003 , Bjørn Esben Almaas
Wonderboy: roman
ISBN 9788205313507 , 2003 , Henrik Helliesen Langeland
Nattradioen: roman
ISBN 9788249501298 , 2003 , Kjetil A. Brottveit
Nyryddinga: roman
ISBN 9788252163162 , 2003 , Sigmund Løvåsen
Writing academic English: a guide for Norwegians in the preparation of articles and theses
ISBN 9788251921237 , 2007 , John G. Taylor
23-salen: roman
ISBN 9788202324995 , 2010 , Ingvar Ambjørnsen
Den rettferdige: roman
ISBN 9788205395893 , 2010 , Helene Uri
Manhattan Skyline: roman
ISBN 9788252176285 , 2010
Nød: roman
ISBN 9788252165425 , 2005 , Are Kalvø
Et rikt liv: roman
ISBN 9788249507528 , 2010 , Mirjam Kristensen
Nede i himmelen: roman
ISBN 9788249508280 , 2011 , Tove Nilsen
A History of the Art of Writing
ISBN 9781430498896 , 2007 , William A. Mason
A History Of The Art Of Writing
ISBN 9780548192962 , 2007 , William A. Mason
A Cultural History of Humour: From Antiquity to the Present Day
ISBN 9780745618807 , 1997 , Jan Bremmer, Herman Roodenburg
Comparative Cultural Studies and Michael Ondaatje's Writing
ISBN 9781557533784 , 2004
Writing for scholars: a practical guide to making sense and being heard
ISBN 9788215013916 , 2008 , Lynn P. Nygaard
The art of dramatic writing: its basis in the creative interpretation of human motives
ISBN 9780671213329 , 2003 , Lajos Egri
Zona frigida: roman
ISBN 9788205352766 , 2006 , Anne B. Ragde
Ancestor of the West: Writing, Reasoning, and Religion in Mesopotamia, Elam, and Greece
ISBN 9780226067155 , 2000 , Jean Bottero, Clarisse Herrenschmidt,m.fl.
Flyt: roman
ISBN 9788252159530 , 2002 , Ingelin Røssland
Gloria: roman
ISBN 9788203185885 , 2002 , Runo Isaksen
Happy: roman
ISBN 9788205307537 , 2002 , Grethe Nestor
Fri: Roman
ISBN 9788210047602 , 2002 , Morten Abrahamsen
F.A.B.: Roman
ISBN 9788203186066 , 2002 , Beate Nossum, Lene Wikander
Kryp: roman
ISBN 9788205303768 , 2002 , Grethe Nestor
Landfastlykke: roman
ISBN 9788252159844 , 2002 , Brit Bildøen
Ingenting: roman
ISBN 9788274881273 , 2002 , Carmen Laforet, Kari Naümann