Søk: 'Lonely Planet Trekking in East Africa'
Voices of the Poor in Africa: Moral Economy and the Popular Imagination
ISBN 9781580461795 , 2004 , Elizabeth Isichei
State, Power and Policymaking in the Making of the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9780415297141 , 2003 , Roger Owen
Africa Since Independence: A Comparative History
ISBN 9780333682739 , 2004 , Paul Nugent
Middle East : Egypt to Turkey Overland
ISBN 9781405000758 , 2003 , Joey Shabot, Dave Newman, Elizabeth Ogburn,m.fl.
The Physical Geography of Africa
ISBN 9780198234067 , 1999 , W.M. Adams, Andrew S. Goudie, A.R. Orme
The Four Little Dragons: The Spread of Industrialization in East Asia
ISBN 9780674315266 , 1993 , Ezra F. Vogel
Africa Since Independence: A Comparative History
ISBN 9780333682722 , 2004 , Paul Nugent
Islam and the Myth of Confrontation: Religion and Politics in the Middle East
ISBN 9781860648687 , 2003 , Fred Halliday
A Companion to the History of the Middle East
ISBN 9781405183796 , 2008 , Youssef M. Choueiri
History of Europe and the Middle East
ISBN 9780199180776 , 2010 , David Smith, Richard Jones-Nerzic, David Keys,m.fl.
ISBN 9789812463142 , 2003 , Martin Gostelow, Ken Bernstein,m.fl.
Women's human rights and legal pluralism in Africa: mixed norms and identities in infertility management in Zimbabwe
ISBN 9788251837811 , 1999 , Anne Hellum, Julie E. Stewart
A History of the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9780813340487 , 2004 , William L. Cleveland
Continental Map of The Middle East
ISBN 9780755808427 , 2004
East Asia Before the West: Five Centuries of Trade and Tribute
ISBN 9780231153195 , 2012 , David C. Kang
Environmental science: earth as a living planet
ISBN 9780471488163 , 2005 , Daniel B. Botkin, Edward A. Keller
Africa South of the Sahara
ISBN 9781857430608 , 1999 , John Heilpern
A Rain Of Words: A Bilingual Anthology of Women's Poetry in Francophone Africa
ISBN 9780813927664 , 2009 , Irene Assiba D'Almeida, Janis A. Mayes
Human Beginnings in South Africa: Uncovering the Secrets of the Stone Age
ISBN 9780864864178 , 1999 , Janette Deacon, Hilary John Deacon
Colonial Rule and Crisis in Equatorial Africa: Southern Gabon, Ca. 1850-1940
ISBN 9781580460484 , 2002
Africa in crisis: the causes, the cures of environmental bankruptcy
ISBN 9781853830136 , 1988 , Lloyd Timberlake
War in Pre-colonial Eastern Africa: The Patterns & Meanings of State-level Conflict in the Nineteenth Century
ISBN 9781847016058 , 2007 , Richard Reid
War in Pre-colonial Eastern Africa: The Patterns & Meanings of State-level Conflict in the Nineteenth Century
ISBN 9781847016041 , 2007 , Richard Reid
Magical Interpretations, Material Realities: Modernity, Witchcraft and the Occult in Postcolonial Africa
ISBN 9780415258661 , 2001 , Henrietta L. Moore, Todd Sanders
Adjustment and Agriculture in Africa: Farmers, the State, and the World Bank in Guinea
ISBN 9780333666067 , 1997 , Jennifer Clapp
The Cold War in the Middle East: Regional Conflict and the Superpowers 1967-73
ISBN 9780203945803 , 2007
Earth: Portrait of a Planet 2E Ebook
ISBN 9780393160659 , 2006 , 2. utgave , Stephen Marshak
Ancient cities - the archaeology of urban life in the ancient near east and
ISBN 9780415121828 , 2003 , Charles Gates
Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitics of Energy
ISBN 9780805089219
Middle East Patterns: Places, Peoples, and Politics /.
ISBN 9780813341705 , 2006 , Colbert C. Held, John Cummings