Søk: 'Media Studies: The Essential Resource'
Media, Modernity And Technology: The Geography of the New
ISBN 9780415333429 , 2006 , David Morley
Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts
ISBN 9781412939560 , 2008 , David C. Thomas
Media talk: conversation analysis and the study of broadcasting
ISBN 9780335209958 , 2006 , Ian Hutchby
Chinese Studies
ISBN 9780712301565 , 1988 , Frances Wood
Historical Sociology on the Paradoxes of News Media
ISBN 9783838320618 , 2010 , Gunnar Haga
Natural Resource Economics: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071189347 , 2000
Essential obstetrics and gynaecology
ISBN 9780443071478 , 2004 , Ian M. Symonds, Edwin Malcolm Symonds
Essential Uncanny X-men
ISBN 9781904159636 , 2004 , Roy Thomas, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Werner Roth
Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management
ISBN 9780415779050 , 2010 , David A. Anderson
New Media in Art
ISBN 9780500203781 , 2005 , Michael Rush
Media and media policy in Germany: the press and broadcasting since 1945
ISBN 9780854968534 , 1994
Essential Ethnographic Methods: A Mixed Methods Approach
ISBN 9780759122031 , 2012 , Margaret Diane LeCompte, Jean J. Schensul
Music - the Business: The Essential Guide to the Law and the Deals
ISBN 9781852270131 , 2003 , Ann Harrison
Perceiving the Other: Case Studies and Theories of Respectful Action
ISBN 9783525570074 , 2010 , Trygve Wyller, Hans-Gunter Heimbrock
Astronomy Active Learning In-Class Tutorials: Astronomy Active Learning In-Class Tutorials - Essential Cosmic Perspective Media Update
ISBN 9780805382969 , 2005 , Pearson, Marvin L. De Jong
Media Archaeology: Approaches, Applications, and Implications
ISBN 9780520262744 , 2011 , Jussi Parikka, Erkki Huhtamo
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412924160 , 2008 , Chris (university Of Wollongong) Barker
Microsoft Windows security: resource kit
ISBN 9780735618688 , 2003 , Microsoft Corporation, Brian Komar, Ben Smith,m.fl.
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
ISBN 9780321185365 , 2003 , Thomas H. Tietenberg
Human Resource Management Fifth Edition
ISBN 9780618123292 , 2003 , 5. utgave , Cynthia D. Fisher, Lyle F. Schoenfeldt,m.fl.
Geographies of Development: An Introduction to Development Studies
ISBN 9780132228237 , 2008 , David W. Smith, Tony Binns, Jennifer A. Elliott,m.fl.
Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies
ISBN 9780415609845 , 2011 , Mona Baker, Gabriela Saldanha
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780857024794 , 2011 , Chris Barker
Performance Studies: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415372466 , 2006 , Richard Schechner
Making Women's History: The Essential Mary Ritter's Beard
ISBN 9781558612198 , 1999
The Essential Groupworker: Teaching and Learning Creative Groupwork
ISBN 9781853028236 , 1999 , Mark Doel, Catherine Sawdon
Qualitative Research Methods: In Organisation Studies
ISBN 9788741256450 , 2012 , Lise Justesen
Issues in Cultural Tourism Studies
ISBN 9780415467124 , 2009 , Melanie Smith
New Media: An Introduction
ISBN 9780195551495 , 2007 , Terry Flew
Audience-citizens: the media, public knowledge and interpretive practice
ISBN 9788178299358 , 2010 , Ramaswami Harindranath