Søk: 'Organization Theory: Challenges And Perspectives'
Development Theory
ISBN 9781412945158 , 2009 , Jan Nederveen Pieterse
Competition and growth: reconciling theory and evidence
ISBN 9780262012188 , 2005 , Rachel Griffith
Environmentalism and Cultural Theory
ISBN 9780415115292 , 1996 , Kay Milton
Health Promotion: Professional Perspectives
ISBN 9780333948347 , 2001 , Angela Scriven
Antitrust And Regulation In The EU And US: Legal and Economic Perspectives
ISBN 9781847207616 , 2008 , Francois Leveque, Howard Shelanski
Studyguide for Organization Development and Change by Worley, Cummings &, ISBN 9780324260601
ISBN 9780324260601 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
The Film Theory Reader: Debates and Arguments
ISBN 9780415493222 , 2010 , Marc Furstenau
Feminism and Linguistic Theory
ISBN 9780333558898 , 1992 , Deborah Cameron
Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice
ISBN 9780878451227 , 2003 , Frederick Wilfrid Lancaster
English Grammar: Theory and Use
ISBN 9788200128724 , 1998 , Stig Johansson, Per Lysvåg, Hilde Hasselgård
America's Family Support Programs: Perspectives and Prospects
ISBN 9780300057850 , 1993
Applying political theory: issues and debates
ISBN 9780230555082 , 2009 , Katherine Smits
Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice
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Economics of Development: Theory and Evidence
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New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding
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Diversity, Discipline, and Devotion in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Clinical and Training Perspectives
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Diversity, Discipline and Devotion in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Clinical and Training Perspectives
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Pharmacology and Treatment of Substance Abuse: Evidence and Outcome Based Perspectives
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Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design
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Museums, Media and Cultural Theory
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Actor-Network Theory and Organizing
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Distributional Justice: Theory and Measurement
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Africa environment outlook: past, present and future perspectives
ISBN 9789280721010 , 2002 , United Nations Environment Programme,m.fl.
Introducing Sociological Theory
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International economics: theory and policy
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Public Relations and Communication Managmt.Jprr 18#2: Challenges for Next Generat
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Solidarity and Prosocial Behavior: An Integration of Sociological and Psychological Perspectives
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Microeconomics: Neoclassical and Institutional Perspectives on Economic Behaviour
ISBN 9781861525390 , 2001 , Susan Himmelweit, Roberto Simonetti, Andrew Trigg
Literary Theory And Criticism: An Oxford Guide
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Bodies and Persons: Comparative Perspectives from Africa and Melanesia
ISBN 9780521621946 , 1998 , Michael Lambek, Andrew Strathern