Søk: 'The British Isles Since 1945'
"Dette visste vi ikke noe om!" : tyskerne og jødeforfølgelsene 1933-1945
ISBN 9788292870037 , 2007 , Peter Longerich
Men, Women, and History: A Biographical Reader in Western Civilization Since the Sixteenth Century
ISBN 9780131466715 , 1994 , Ronald N. Stromberg
Making a Social Body: British Cultural Formation, 1830-1864
ISBN 9780226675244 , 1995 , Mary Poovey
España en Europa, 1945-2000: del ostracismo a la modernidad
ISBN 9788495379672 , 2004 , Julio Crespo MacLennan
Dommen til døden: dødsstraffen i Norge 1945-50
ISBN 9788253026251 , 2004 , Lars-Erik Vaale
Et rettferdig oppgjør?: rettsoppgjøret i Norge etter 1945
ISBN 9788253027081 , 2004 , Øystein Sørensen, Hans Fredrik Dahl
Øst, vest, nord, sør: hovedlinjer i internasjonal politikk etter 1945
ISBN 9788215006420 , 2004 , Geir Lundestad
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: Documents and Essays. Since 1914
ISBN 9780618370382 , 2005 , Thomas G. Paterson, Dennis Merrill
Animal Rights: Political and Social Change in Britain Since 1800
ISBN 9781861890610 , 2000 , Hilda Kean
Animal rights: political and social change in Britain since 1800
ISBN 9781861890146 , 1998 , Hilda Kean
Arne Ordings dagbøker: 24. juli 1945 - 4. april 1949
ISBN 9788215004822 , 2003 , Arne Ording, Gerd Mordt, Riksarkivet
The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols: The Ultimate A-Z Guide from Alchemy to the Zodiac
ISBN 9780007298969 , 2009 , Adele Nozedar
First Aid Manual: The Authorised Manual of St. John Ambulance, St. Andrew's Ambulance Association, and the British Red Cross
ISBN 9780751337044 , 2002 , British Red Cross Society, St. John\'s Ambulance,m.fl.
History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071315562 , 2013 , R.R. Palmer
Norsk lokalhistorisk krigshistorie om 2. verdenskrig 1940-1945: en bibliografi
ISBN 9788290181050 , 2002 , Tom B. Jensen
Oxford guide to British and American culture: for learners of English
ISBN 9780194313322 , 2003 , Jonathan Crowther, Kathryn Kavanagh
Abbie and Zak's Introduction to British Sign Language for Children Everywhere
ISBN 9780954639501 , 2005 , John McDonald, Diane E. Holloway
Sentraladministrasjonens historie etter 1945. Bd. 2: den nye staten? tiden etter 1980
ISBN 9788245008968 , 2009 , Tore Grønlie, Yngve Flo
Lojaliteten som brast: partipressen i Norge fra senit til fall ; 1945 - 2000
ISBN 9788292587119 , 2009 , Henrik Grue Bastiansen
A Manual Of The History Of Greek And Roman Literature Political History Of Contemporary Europe Since 1814 - Volume II
ISBN 9781444626841 , 2009 , Charles Seignobos
An Educational War on Poverty: American and British Policy-making 1960-1980
ISBN 9780521025867 , 2006 , Harold Silver, Pamela Silver
A Critique of Monetary Policy: Theory and British Experience
ISBN 9780198283195 , 1990 , John C. R. Dow, Iain D. Saville
Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp 1936-1945: events and developments ; [exhibition by the Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten/Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen]
ISBN 9783938690994 , 2008 , Gunter Morsch, Astrid Ley,m.fl.
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: Documents and Essays Volume II, . Since 1914
ISBN 9780495800170 , 2009 , Thomas G. Paterson, Dennis Merrill
Unge osinger i krigsår: okkupasjonstida i Os, 1940-1945
ISBN 9788299484169 , 2000 , Tore Myre
Arne Ordings dagbøker: 19. juni 1942-23. juli 1945
ISBN 9788251840019 , 2000 , Arne Ording, Riksarkivet, Erik Opsahl
Kampen om kateteret: skolepolitikk og pedagogikk i Norge 1940-1945
ISBN 9788274770430 , 2000 , Asbjørn Birkemo
Osenbilder: Osens voksne befolkning under krigen : bilder fra identitetskort 1941-1945
ISBN 9788230000748 , 2004 , Eivind Bremnes
A psychological strategy for alternative human development: India's performance since independence
ISBN 9780761992578 , 1998 , Prayag Mehta
Return to diversity: a political history of East Central Europe since World War II
ISBN 9780195334746 , 2007 , Joseph Rothschild, Nancy M. Wingfield