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Communication, Power, and Media
ISBN 9781590339305 , 2004
Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine how We See the Rest of the World
ISBN 9780679758907 , 1997 , Edward W Said
AS Media Studies: The Essential Revision Guide for AQA
ISBN 9780415365697 , 2006 , Peter Wall, Jo Barker, Wall & Barker
Framing public life: perspectives on media and our understanding of the social world
ISBN 9780805836530 , 2001 , Stephen D. Reese, Oscar H. Gandy, August E. Grant
Mennesket og media
ISBN 9788253018638 , 1997 , McLuhan, Marshall
SocialCorp: Social Media Goes Corporate
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Education Policy: Globalization, Citizenship and Democracy
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Education policy: globalization, citizenship and democracy
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Capitalism Unleashed: Finance, Globalization, and Welfare
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The gender challenge to media: diverse voices from the field
ISBN 9781572733091 , 2000 , Elizabeth L. Toth, Linda Aldoory
Globalization, Culture and Inequality in Asia
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Tale of Two Factions a: Myth, Memory, and Identity in Ottoman Egypt and Yemen
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PR and Media Relations
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Digital Generations: Children, Young People, and the New Media
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Branding Miss G_: third wave feminists and the media
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Who Owns the Media?: Global Trends and Local Resistance
ISBN 9781842774694 , 2004 , Pradip Thomas, Zaharom Nain
Media Organization and Production
ISBN 9780761974949 , 2003
Media i samfunnet
ISBN 9788252139358 , 1993 , Ture Schwebs
Comparative Media History: An Introduction: 1789 to the Present
ISBN 9780745632438 , 2005 , Jane L. Chapman
Comparative Media History: An Introduction: 1789 to the Present
ISBN 9780745632421 , 2005 , Jane L. Chapman
All Talk: The Talkshow in Media Culture
ISBN 9780877229957 , 1993
Mediating Modernity: German Literature and the New Media, 1895-1930
ISBN 9780271035116 , 2009
Arab media: power and weakness
ISBN 9780826428363 , 2008 , Kai Hafez
New Media: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780415431613 , 2008 , Jon Dovey, Iain Grant, Martin Lister,m.fl.
Challenges to Chinese foreign policy: diplomacy, globalization, and the next world power
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Contemporary Economic Sociology: Globalization, Work And Inequality
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Competition, Growth Strategies and the Globalization of Services: Real Estate Advisory Services in Japan, Europe and the US
ISBN 9780203448168 , 2002 , Terence LaPier
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ISBN 9788252144857 , 1995 , Ture Schwebs
Globalization and Its Discontents : Essays on the New Mobility of People and Money
ISBN 9781565845183 , 1988