Søk: 'The Story of Graphic Design: From the Invention of Writing to the Birth of Digital Design'
Evolve!: Succeeding in the Digital Culture of Tomorrow
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History of the Modern World
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The Art Directors' Handbook of Professional Magazine Design: Classic Techniques and Inspirational Approaches
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The End of the Euro: The Uneasy Future of the European Union
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The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business
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An Ecclesiastical History to the Twentieth Year of the Reign of Constantine: Being the 324th of the Christian Aera
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Chronicles of Fashion: From the Time of Elizabeth to the Early Part of the Nineteenth Century, in Manners, Amusements, Banquets, Costume, Etc, Volume
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The Cartoon History of the Modern World Part 1: From Columbus to the U.S. Constitution
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The Measure of Man and Woman: Human Factors in Design [With CDROM]
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Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body's Most Underrated Organ
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A history of world agriculture: from the neolithic age to the current crisis
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The History of Game Theory, Volume 1: From the Beginnings to 1945
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A history of political thought: from antiquity to the present
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Disinterred, from the Boke of a Monk of Garden Abbey
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The Turn of the Screw
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Robert Frost's emergent design: the truth of the self in-between belief and unbelief
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The Great British Bobby: A History of British Policing from the 18th Century to the Present
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The Journey of the Mind to God
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Robinson Crusoe: The Complete Story of Robinson Crusoe
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From ritual to theatre: the human seriousness of play
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Java software solutions: foundations of program design
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BBC VFX: The Story of the BBC Visual Effects Department, 1954-2003
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