Søk: 'Urban Renaissance: Glasgow Lessons for Innovation and Implementation'
Metodebok for mediefag
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Sectoral Systems of Innovation: Concepts, Issues and Analyses of Six Major Sectors in Europe
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Localist Movements in a Global Economy: Sustainability, Justice, and Urban Development in the United States
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Calculus for Biology and Medicine. Claudia Neuhauser
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Formal design in renaissance architecture from Brunelleschi to Palladio
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A New Economy?: The Changing Role of Innovation and Information Technology in Growth
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Tony Soprano on Management: Leadership Lessons Inspired by America's Favorite Mobster
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Advances in Information Retrieval: 30th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2008, Glasgow, UK, March 30 -- April 3, 2008
ISBN 9783540786450 , 2008 , Craig Macdonald, Iadh Ounis, Vassilis Plachouras,m.fl.
Innovate the Future: A Radical New Approach to IT Innovation
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Leonardo to the Internet: Technology & Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
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Exphil II: tekster i etikk
ISBN 9788291670577 , 2008 , 4. utgave , Institutt for filosofi
Urban Livelihoods: A People-centred Approach to Reducing Poverty
ISBN 9781853838613 , 2002 , Carole Rakodi, Tony Lloyd-Jones
Ancient Cities: The Archaeology of Urban Life in the Ancient Near East and Egypt, Greece, and Rome
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Interpreting the City: An Urban Geography, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780471887508 , 1992 , 2. utgave , Truman Asa Hartshorn
A History of Private Life: Passions of the Renaissance
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Formal Design in Renaissance Architecture: From Brunelleschi to Palladio
ISBN 9780847818907 , 1995 , Michele Furnari
Content Characteristics of Formal Information Technology Strategy as Implementation Predictors
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A Workbook on Planning for Urban Resilience in the Face of Disasters: Adapting Experiences from Vietnam's Cities to Other Cities
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Introduction to Urban Water Distribution: Unesco-IHE Lecture Note Series
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A Coherent Splendor: The American Poetic Renaissance, 1910-1950
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