Søk: 'Useful English for All Occasions'
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure
ISBN 9780521516938 , 2009 , Andrew Radford
Analysing English Sentences: A Minimalist Approach
ISBN 9780521516976 , 2009 , Andrew Radford
The English Language: A Historical Introduction
ISBN 9780521670012 , 2009 , Charles Barber, Philip A. Shaw, Joan C. Beal
Basic technical English
ISBN 9788256221486 , 1991 , Erik Sandvik, Finn Bergskaug
English-Norwegian military dictionary
ISBN 9788202225773 , 2002 , Olav I. Ark
Mellom mennesker og samfunn: sosiologi og sosialantropologi for helse- og sosialprofesjonene
ISBN 9788205388239 , 2009 , Marianne Rugkåsa
English for International Negotiations: A Cross-Cultural Case Study Approach
ISBN 9780521657495 , 1998 , Drew Rodgers
Business English and Communication
ISBN 9789622018426 , 1999 , Moira Sambey,m.fl.
Using English grammar: ressursbok med øvinger for tekniske skoler
ISBN 9788256230501 , 1995 , Per Lysvåg, Erik Sandvik
We Are All Moors: Ending Centuries of Crusades Against Muslims and Other Minorities
ISBN 9780816660803 , 2012 , Anouar Majid
English Accents and Dialects: An Introduction to Social and Regional Varieties of English in the British Isles, Fifth Edition
ISBN 9781444121384 , 2012 , 5. utgave , Arthur Hughes, Dominic Watt
Grunnleggende fysikk for universitet og høgskole
ISBN 9788202347338 , 2011 , Arne Auen Grimenes, Per Jerstad, Bjørn Sletbak
Etikk for journalister
ISBN 9788245016338 , 2014 , Svein Brurås
A New Comprehensive English-Chinese Dictionary
ISBN 9781908647016 , 2012 , Zhi Liang
Issues in Testing Business English: The Revision of the Cambridge Business English Certificates
ISBN 9780521013307 , 2006 , Barry O'Sullivan, Chris Kennedy,m.fl.
Learn the Nautical Rules of the Road: An Expert Guide to the COLREGs for all Yachtsmen and Mariners
ISBN 9780470749128 , 2010 , Paul B. Boissier
Accents of English:
ISBN 9780521297196 , 1982 , John Christopher Wells
Timesaver extracts 2; English fiction for upper-intermediate and advanced students
ISBN 9788203310492 , 2003 , Nigel Newbrook
Timesaver extracts 2; English fiction for upper-intermediate and advanced students
ISBN 9788203310508 , 2003 , Nigel Newbrook
A Survey of Modern English
ISBN 9780415300353 , 2004 , Stephan Gramley, Kurt-Michael Pätzold
English Words: Structure, History, Usage
ISBN 9780415298926 , 2004 , Francis Katamba
Meaning and the English Verb
ISBN 9780582784574 , 2004 , Geoffrey N. Leech
English-Swahili Dictionary
ISBN 9788176504980 , 1989
Communicating English 3; negotiations
ISBN 9788250821125 , 2001
Communicating English 3: negotiations
ISBN 9788250820708 , 2001 , MediaWorks
Getting your English right
ISBN 9788251916561 , 2001 , Stewart Clark
Issues in English Teaching
ISBN 9780415206655 , 1999 , John Moss, Jon Davison
English Grammar: Theory and Use
ISBN 9788200126935 , 1998 , Stig Johansson, Per Lysvåg, Hilde Hasselgård
All possible worlds: a history of geographical ideas
ISBN 9780195168709 , 2004 , T. S. Martin
Longman English Grammar
ISBN 9780582558922 , 1988 , L. G. Alexander