Søk: 'Weaving Services and People on the World Wide Web'
Automated Web Site Evaluation: Researchers' and Practitioners' Perspectives
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The American Pageant: A History of the American People
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The Ancient World in the Cinema
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The Arab World: Society, Culture and State
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The West and the Third World: Trade, Colonialism, Dependence and Development
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The World Is Flat: The Globalized World in the Twenty-First Century
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Principles of Web Design
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Out of the World
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Beginning PhoneGap: Mobile Web Framework for JavaScript and HTML5
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Integrated web design: building the new breed of designer and developer
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The World of Ancient Art
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How to Get Published Free: And Make Money: Using Web Strategies of Database Logic to Market Your Book on the Internet
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Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
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Democracies and Dictatorships: Euorpe and the World 1919-1989
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CSS Pocket Reference: Visual Presentation for the Web
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World Politics: Trend and Transformation
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The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume 2: From 1865
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Ise Services Marketing: An Introduction
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A People and a Nation: A History of the United States
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Effective Communication: A Guide for the People Professions
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A little history of the world
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American government: people, institutions, and policies
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Services Management: An Integrated Approach
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Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium
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