Søk: 'Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honor of Charles C. Moskos'
Advances in Mobile and Wireless Communications: Views of the 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit
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Essays in Migratory Aesthetics: Cultural Practices Between Migration and Art-making
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Functional Analysis on the Eve of the 21st Century in Honor of the 80th Birthday of I.M. Gelfand 1+2
ISBN 9780817638603 , 1995 , Robert Wilson, Simon Gindikin, James Lepowsky
Functional Analysis on the Eve of the 21st Century Volume I: In Honor of the Eightieth Birthday of I.M. Gelfand
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Functional Analysis on the Eve of the 21st Century Volume II: In Honor of the Eightieth Birthday of I.M. Gelfand
ISBN 9780817638559 , 1995 , Robert Wilson, Simon Gindikin, James Lepowsky
Absolute C++
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Sociology: Making Sense of Society
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Advances in Services Marketing and Management: Research and Practice : 1993
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Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: Documents and Essays, Concise Edition
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Sideblikk: essays
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The Sociology of Health and Illness
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Cultural Sociology
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Advances in Adult T-cell Leukemia and HTLV-1 Research
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Decisions and Diplomacy: Essays in Twentieth Century International History : in Memory of George Gr?n and Esmonde Robertson
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Advances in turbulence VI: proceedings of the Sixth European Turbulence Conference held in Lausanne, Switzerland, 2-5 July 1996
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Sociology For Dummies
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Adventures in Mathematical Physics: International Conference in Honor of Jean-Michel Combes on Transport and Spectral Problems in Quantum Mechanics, September 4-6, 2006, Université de Cergy-Pointoise, Cergy, France
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A Sociology of Happiness: Japanese Perspectives
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Advances in Services Marketing and Management: Research and Practice: Vol 7
ISBN 9780762303632 , 1998 , Teresa A. Swartz, Stephen W. Brown,m.fl.