Søk: 'African Fiction And Joseph Conrad: Reading Postcolonial Intertextuality'
The Norton Anthology of African American Literature: Buch
ISBN 9780393040012 , 1996 , H.L. Gates
A Matter of Faith: The Fiction of Brian Moore
ISBN 9780313298714 , 1996 , Robert Sullivan
L.A. candy
ISBN 9780061767593 , 2010 , Lauren Conrad
African plants: biodiversity, taxonomy and uses : proceedings of the 1997 AETFAT congress, Harare, Zimbabwe
ISBN 9781900347884 , 2000 , Jonathan Timberlake, S. Kativu
What Is This Thing Called Jazz?: African American Musicians As Artists, Critics, and Activists
ISBN 9780520232969 , 2002 , Eric Porter
The Silent Echo: The Middle-Aged Female Body in Contemporary Women's Fiction
ISBN 9780739121726 , 2007 , Helen Paloge
Jane Austen and the Fiction of Culture: An Essay on the Narration of Social Realities
ISBN 9780847690480 , 1999 , Richard Handler, Daniel Alan Segal
Remembering the Kana: A Guide to Reading and Writing the Japanese Syllabaries in 3 Hours Each
ISBN 9780824831646 , 2007 , James W. Heisig
Studyguide for Economics of the Public Sector by Joseph E. E. Stiglitz, ISBN 9780393966510: 0393966518
ISBN 9781428810013 , 2006 , Joseph E. Stiglitz, Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Schism and Continuity in an African Society: A Study of Ndembu Village Life
ISBN 9780854962822 , 1996 , Victor Turner
A New Anthology of Art Songs by African American Composers
ISBN 9780809325238 , 2004 , Margaret R. Simmons, Jeanine F. Wagner
An Introduction to Psychological Assessment in the South African Context
ISBN 9780195760569 , 2006 , Cheryl Foxcroft, Gert Roodt
A Beautiful Pageant: African American Theatre, Drama, and Performance in the Harlem Renaissance, 1910-1927
ISBN 9780312295905 , 2002 , David Krasner
Black Visions: The Roots of Contemporary African-American Political Ideologies
ISBN 9780226138619 , 2003 , Michael C. Dawson
NOVA 2000 : utgitt til science fiction og fantasy kongressen i Bergen kulturby år 2000 : nye norske science fiction og fantasy historier
ISBN 9788290387377 , 2000
The World of the Swahili: An African Mercantile Civilization
ISBN 9780300060805 , 1994 , John Middleton
The Mammoth Book of Best New Science Fiction: 15th Annual Collection
ISBN 9781841196633 , 2005 , Steven Saylor
Black Film As a Signifying Practice: Cinema, Narration and the African American Aesthetic Tradition
ISBN 9780865437159 , 2000 , Gladstone L. Yearwood, Gadstone Lloyd Yearwood
East African Doctors: A History of the Modern Profession
ISBN 9780521632720 , 1998 , John Iliffe
Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation
ISBN 9781292023182 , 2013 , Joseph S. Nye
Heart of Darkness
ISBN 9780141441672 , 2007 , J. H. Stape, Robert Hampson, Owen Knowles,m.fl.
Becoming president: patterns of professional mobility of African American university presidents
ISBN 9780761836285 , 2006
South African Economy: Macroeconomic Prospects for the Medium Term
ISBN 9780415142601 , 1996 , Finn Tarp, Peter Brixen
Black Visions: The Roots of Contemporary African-American Political Ideologies
ISBN 9780226138602 , 2001 , Michael C. Dawson
A Companion to Medieval Art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe
ISBN 9781405198783 , 2010 , Conrad Rudolph
African Americans at the crossroads: the restructuring of Black leadership and the 1992 elections
ISBN 9780896084681 , 1994 , Clarence Lusane
In The Realms Of Gold: Pioneering In African History
ISBN 9780714644059 , 1997 , Roland Oliver
In The Realms Of Gold: Pioneering In African History
ISBN 9780714648477 , 1997 , Roland Oliver
Resource Economics
ISBN 9780521697675 , 2010 , Jon M. Conrad
A short introduction to the Hebrew Bible : and Deutro-Canonical books
ISBN 9781451472943 , 2014 , John Joseph Collins