Søk: 'Africans: The History of a Continent'
The history of the world's warships
ISBN 9781853614866 , 2002 , Christopher Chant
Pr!: A Social History of Spin
ISBN 9780465061792 , 1998
A Brief History of Economics: Artful Approaches to the Dismal Science
ISBN 9789814304801 , 2010 , E. Ray Canterbery
A History of Christian Thought
ISBN 9780671214265 , 1986 , Paul Tillich
A brief history of time
ISBN 9780553175219 , 1988 , Stephen Hawking
A People's History of the United States: The Wall Charts
ISBN 9781565841710 , 1995 , Howard Zinn, George Kirschner
A History of the Habsburg Empire, 1526-1918
ISBN 9780520042063 , 1980 , Robert A. Kann
A History of the American Rice Industry, 1685-1985
ISBN 9781585440092 , 2000 , Henry C Dethloff
Sophie's World: A Novel about the History of Philosophy
ISBN 9781857992915 , 2000 , Jostein Gaarder, Paulette Møller
East African Doctors: A History of the Modern Profession
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A History of International Relations Theory
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A History of Modern Europe, Volume 2: From the French Revolution to the Present
ISBN 9780393933857 , 2009 , John M. Merriman
Cengage Advantage Books: The American Experiment: A History of the United States, 3rd ed.
ISBN 9780840029522 , 2012 , 3. utgave , Steven M. Gillon, Cathy D. Matson
A History of Norway and the Passion and Miracles of the Blessed Olafr
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A History of Writing in Japan
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A History of the Jewish People During the Maccabean and Roman Periods
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A History of Fascism: 1914-1945
ISBN 9781857285956 , 1996 , Stanley G. Payne
A History of Western Philosophy
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A brief history of infinity: the quest to think the unthinkable
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A Long Strange Trip: The Inside History of the Grateful Dead
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The Course of Irish History
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A New Green History of the World: The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations
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A People's History of the United States: From 1492 to the Present
ISBN 9780582772830 , 2003 , Howard Zinn
A History of the Modern British Isles, 1529-1603
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A history of the Sudan: from the coming of Islam to the present day
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A History of Gothic Art in England
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A History of Western Educational Ideas
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The Great Chain of Being: A Study of the History of an Idea
ISBN 9780674361539 , 1990 , Arthur O. Lovejoy
A modern history of the Somali: nation and state in the Horn of Africa
ISBN 9780852554838 , 2002