Søk: 'Applied Philosophy'
A Brief History of Tibetan Academic Degrees in Buddhist Philosophy
ISBN 9788787062855 , 2000 , Tarab Tulku
Readings in Modern Philosophy: Locke, Berkeley, Hume and Associated Texts
ISBN 9780872205338 , 2000 , Roger Ariew, Eric Watkins
Readings in Modern Philosophy: Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz and Associated Texts
ISBN 9780872205352 , 2000 , Roger Ariew, Eric Watkins
Readings in Modern Philosophy: Locke, Berkeley, Hume and Associated Texts
ISBN 9780872205321 , 2000 , Roger Ariew, Eric Watkins
Automatic Control for Adaptive Time Stepping in Circuit Simulation: Numerical Mathematics Applied to Electronics
ISBN 9783838387697 , 2010 , Arie Verhoeven
The Method and Principles of Complementary Reflection in and Beyond African Philosophy
ISBN 9789780071240 , 2004 , Innocent Asouzu
For a philosophy of freedom and strife: politics, aesthetics, metaphysics
ISBN 9780791436981 , 1997 , Gunter Figal, Wayne Klein
Applied Manufacturing Process Planning: With Emphasis on Metal Forming and Machining
ISBN 9780135324585 , 2000 , Donald H. Nelson, George Schneider, JR
Collected Papers III. Studies in Phenomenological Philosophy: Reprint
ISBN 9789024750900 , 1975
Applied Economics, Business and Development: International Symposium, ISAEBD 2011, Dalian, China, August 6-7, 2011, Proceedings
ISBN 9783642230226 , 2011 , Qingyuan Zhou
Can Ethics Provide Answers: And Other Essays in Moral Philosophy
ISBN 9780847683482 , 1996 , James Rachels
Can ethics provide answers?: and other essays in moral philosophy
ISBN 9780847683475 , 1996 , James Rachels
Ethics and Human Well-being: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy
ISBN 9780631195511 , 1996 , E. Edward Jarvis Bond
Philosophical Papers: Volume 2, Philosophy and the Human Sciences
ISBN 9780521317498 , 1985 , C. A. Taylor
A Handbook of Applied Christianity: How to Develop a More Effective Faith
ISBN 9781410718099 , 2003 , Gerald F. Beavan
Introduction to random signals and applied Kalman filtering: with MATLAB exercises and solutions
ISBN 9780471128397 , 1997 , Robert Grover Brown, Patrick Y. C. Hwang
A History of Western Philosophy: The classical mind
ISBN 9780155383128 , 1969 , W.T. Jones, Robert Fogelin
A Process Theory of Medicine: Problems in Contemporary Philosophy
ISBN 9780889463288 , 1987 , Marcus Peter Ford
Applied Multivariate Analysis in Structure Activity Relationships and Environmental Studies
ISBN 9780792312901 , 1991 , James Devillers, Walter Karcher
Computers in Context: The Philosophy and Practice of System Design
ISBN 9781557864055 , 1993 , Lars Mathiassen, Bo Dahlbom
Ethics and Human Well-being: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy
ISBN 9780631195498 , 1996 , Ej Bond
Sensitive Judgment: Nursing, Moral Philosophy and an Ethics of Care
ISBN 9788251835039 , 1996 , Per Nortvedt
Applied Multivariate Data Analysis: Categorical and Multivariate Methods/Book and Disk
ISBN 9780387978048 , 1994 , J. D. Jobson
Understanding African Philosophy: A Cross-cultural Approach to Classical and Contemporary Issues
ISBN 9780415939362 , 2002 , Richard H. Bell
An introduction to yoga philosophy: an annotated translation of the yoga sutras
ISBN 9780754605645 , 2001 , Ashok Kumar Malhotra, James Belleau, Patañjali
An introduction to yoga philosophy: an annotated translation of the yoga sutras
ISBN 9780754605249 , 2001 , Ashok Kumar Malhotra, James Belleau
Studyguide for Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance by Williams, ISBN 9780072843835
ISBN 9781428826960 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
Valuepack:Human Physiology:An Integrated Approach:International Edition/Fundamentals of Pharmacology:An Applied Approach for Nursing and Health
ISBN 9781405892728 , 2007 , Dee Unglaub Silverthorn, Alan Galbraith,m.fl.
Liberalism at the crossroads: an introduction to contemporary liberal political theory and its critics
ISBN 9780742532700 , 2003 , Christopher Wolfe,m.fl.
Perspectives on Philosophy of Science in Nursing: An Historical and Contemporary Anthology
ISBN 9780781712019 , 1998 , E. Carol Polifroni, Marylouise Welch