Søk: 'Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Managing Social Problems'
Understanding Motivation and Emotion
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Language learning and teaching as social inter-action
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Great Ideas 8 : Social Contract
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Using Documents in Social Research
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Introduction to Social Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
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Communicating Emotion: Social, Moral, and Cultural Processes
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Communicating Emotion: Social, Moral, and Cultural Processes
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Social work and the law: proceedings of the National Organization of Forensic Social Work, 2000
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Adolescent Sleep Patterns: Biological, Social, and Psychological Influences
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Sociological Practice: Linking Theory and Social Research
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Social Works: Performing Arts, Supporting Publics
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Outlines & Highlights for Social Psychology by John D. Delamater, Daniel J. Myers: 9780495093367
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Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences
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Research Ethics for Social Scientists
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Ethics and Values in Social Work: Third Edition
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Just Words: Constitutional Rights and Social Wrongs
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Behavior in Organizations: Understanding and Managing the Human Side of Work
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