Søk: 'Berlitz Language: Advanced Italian'
English as a Global Language
ISBN 9780521823470 , 2003 , David Crystal
Timesaver speaking activities (pre-intermediate/advanced)
ISBN 9788203309250 , 2002 , Peter Maggs, Jon Hird
Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Literary Terms
ISBN 9788126104833 , 2002 , A Team Of Experts
Arabic English Dictionary: For Advanced Learners
ISBN 9788187570691 , 2002 , J.G. Hava
Macmillan English Dictionary: For Advanced Learners
ISBN 9780333964828 , 2002 , Michael Rundell, Gwyneth Fox
Macmillan English Dictionary: For Advanced Learners
ISBN 9780333964811 , 2002 , Michael Rundell, Gwyneth Fox
Urban outcasts: a comparative sociology of advanced marginality
ISBN 9780745631257 , 2007 , John Howe, Loic J. Wacquant
Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners
ISBN 9780071118415 , 2006 , David Nunan
Second Language Learning Theories
ISBN 9780340663110 , 1998 , 1. utgave , Rosamond Mitchell, Florence Myles
New Understanding Physics for Advanced Level
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Advanced Gate Stacks for High-mobility Semiconductors
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Advanced Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Techniques
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Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English
ISBN 9780194316507 , 2005 , Sally Wehmeier, Joanna Turnbull,m.fl.
Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English
ISBN 9780194001021 , 2005 , Sally Wehmeier, Joanna Turnbull,m.fl.
Oxford Advanced American Dictionary: For Learners of English
ISBN 9780194399661 , 2011 , Oxford University Press, Oxford Dictionaries
The Busy Coder's Guide to Advanced Android Development
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Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course
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Collocations in Two-language Dictionaries
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Second Language Teaching and Learning
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Fortran 90 language guide
ISBN 9783540199267 , 1995 , Wilhelm Gehrke
Finite-state Language Processing
ISBN 9780262181822 , 1997 , Emmanuel Roche, Yves Schabes
Macmillan English Dictionary: For Advanced Learners
ISBN 9780333957868 , 2001 , Michael Rundell, Gwyneth Fox
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dict 4e
ISBN 9780194311366 , 1989 , 4. utgave , Albert Sydney Hornby
The Evolution of Human Language: Biolinguistic Perspectives
ISBN 9780521736251 , 2010 , Richard K. Larson, Hiroko Yamakido
Advanced Mechanics of Materials
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Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language
ISBN 9781430232377 , 2010 , 1. utgave , Magnue Lie Hetland, Magnus Heltand
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary: Of Current English
ISBN 9780194314244 , 2002 , A.S. Hornby
Advanced Engineering Mathematics 9th Edition with Wiley Plus Set
ISBN 9780470054819 , 2007 , 9. utgave , Erwin Kreyszig
Advances in Chinese Spoken Language Processing
ISBN 9789812569042 , 2006 , Chin-Hui Lee, Haizhou Li, Lin-Shan Lee