Søk: 'British Cultural Studies: Geography, Nationality, and Identity'
Class, nation, and identity: the anthropology of political movements
ISBN 9780745316727 , 2003
A Geography of Urban Places
ISBN 9780415417907 , 2007 , Robert G. Putnam, Frank J. Taylor,m.fl.
Bordering: An Art/Geography Collaboration
ISBN 9780955117923 , 2007 , Sarah Cant, Iain Biggs, Philip Crang,m.fl.
The Europeanization of British Politics
ISBN 9781403995193 , 2006 , Ian Bache, Andrew Jordan
Anthropology and Child Development: A Cross-Cultural Reader
ISBN 9780631229766 , 2008 , Rebecca S. New, Robert A. LeVine
Anthropology and Child Development: A Cross-Cultural Reader
ISBN 9780631229759 , 2008 , Rebecca S. New, Robert A. LeVine
Understanding cross-cultural psychology: Eastern and Western perspectives
ISBN 9780761971542 , 2006
What are Archives?: Cultural and Theoretical Perspectives : a Reader
ISBN 9780754673101 , 2008
Toward a Geography of Art
ISBN 9780226133126 , 2004 , Thomas Dacosta Kaufmann
Between Sacrifice and Desire: Gender, Media and National Identity in Vietnam
ISBN 9780415944311 , 2003
Arms, Economics and British Strategy: From Dreadnoughts to Hydrogen Bombs
ISBN 9780521867481 , 2007 , George C. Peden, Hew Strachan, Geoffrey Wawro
Critical Security Studies: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415484442 , 2010 , Columba Peoples, Nick Vaughan-Williams
African American Family Life: Ecological and Cultural Diversity
ISBN 9781572309951 , 2005 , Vonnie C. McLoyd, Nancy E. Hill, Kenneth A. Dodge
Postcolonialisms: an anthology of cultural theory and criticism
ISBN 9781845203320 , 2005 , Gaurav Desai, Supriya Nair
Ambiguity and Deterrence: British Nuclear Strategy, 1945-1964
ISBN 9780198280125 , 1995
Cultural Diversity: Its Social Psychology
ISBN 9780631231233 , 2003 , Xenia Chryssochoou
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies
ISBN 9780071107501 , 2008 , David Simchi-Levi, Wendy Bishop, Philip Kaminsky,m.fl.
Popular Music Studies
ISBN 9780340762486 , 2002 , Keith Negus
English for Business Studies: A Course for Business Studies and Economics Students : Student's Book Audio CD Set
ISBN 9780521743433 , 2010 , Ian Mackenzie
Communicating Emotion: Social, Moral, and Cultural Processes
ISBN 9780521553155 , 1999
Communicating Emotion: Social, Moral, and Cultural Processes
ISBN 9780521557412 , 1999
Faroese language studies
ISBN 9788270993352 , 2001 , Michael Barnes
Project Management 8e and Case Studies Set
ISBN 9780471281603 , 2003 , 8. utgave , Harold R. Kerzner
Fifteenth-Century Studies 34
ISBN 9781571133984 , 2009 , Edelgard E. DuBruck, Barbara I. Gusick
Digital culture, play, and identity: a World of Warcraft reader
ISBN 9780262033701 , 2008 , Jill Walker Rettberg, Hilde G.. Corneliussen
Identity and Participation in Culturally Diverse Societies: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
ISBN 9781405199476 , 2010 , Xenia Chryssochoou, Assaad E. Azzi,m.fl.
Postmetropolis: Critical Studies of Cities and Regions
ISBN 9781577180012 , 2000 , Edward W. Soja
The Penguin Dictionary of Geography: Third Edition
ISBN 9780140515053 , 3. utgave
The Lost Self: Pathologies of the Brain and Identity
ISBN 9789780195175 , 2005
British Civilization: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415122580 , 1995