Søk: 'Computer Organization and Architecture'
Computer Networking for Lans to Wans
ISBN 9781435496699 , 2009 , James L. Antonakos, Kenneth C. Mansfield Jr.
Computer Forensics: A Real World Guide
ISBN 9780849392528 , 2009
Early Medieval Architecture as Bearer of Meaning
ISBN 9780231127042 , 2005 , Gunter Bandmann, Kendall Wallis, Hans Boker
Computer Accounting with QuickBooks 2003
ISBN 9780072824728 , 2003 , Donna Ulmer
Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective
ISBN 9780131784567 , 2003 , Randal E. Bryant, David Richard O'Hallaron
Fundamentals of Secure Computer Systems
ISBN 9781887902663 , 2003 , Brett Tjaden
Computer forensics: incident response essentials
ISBN 9780201707199 , 2001
The architecture of the Italian Renaissance
ISBN 9780805210828 , 1997 , Peter Murray
The Classical Language of Architecture
ISBN 9780500201770 , 1980 , John Summerson
The Eclipse of the State Mental Hospital: Policy. Stigma, and Organization
ISBN 9780791428955 , 1996 , George W. Dowdall
Elements of Computer Music
ISBN 9780132525527 , 1990 , F. Richard Moore
Beyond Architecture: Marion Mahony and Walter Burley Griffin in America, Australia and India
ISBN 9781863170680 , 1998 , Anne (Anne Jeanette) Watson
OpenCV Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9781782161486 , 2014 , 2. utgave , J. Caro, Robert Langaniere
A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV
ISBN 9781118848456 , 2014 , Kenneth Dawson-Howe
Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis: Theory, Methods and Practice
ISBN 9780803977617 , 1995 , Udo Kelle, Gerald Prein, Katherine Bird
Computer Assisted Language Learning
ISBN 9780893915605 , 1991 , Keith Cameron
3D Computer Graphics [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780201398557 , 2000 , Alan H. Watt
The principles of computer hardware
ISBN 9780198564539 , 2000 , Alan Clements
Enterprise Soa: Service-Oriented Architecture Best Practices
ISBN 9780131465756 , 2004 , Dirk Krafzig, Karl Banke, Dirk Slama
Inspiration: Capturing the Creative Potential of Your Organization
ISBN 9781403920584 , 2004 , Cameron Watt
Ethnic groups and boundaries: the social organization of culture difference
ISBN 9788200062677 , 1982 , Fredrik Barth
Advances in human-computer interaction: human comfort and security
ISBN 9783540601456 , 1995 , S. Pfleger, Kadamula Varghese
Measuring Computer Performance: A Practitioner's Guide
ISBN 9780521646703 , 2005 , David J. Lilja
The Eclipse of the State Mental Hospital: Policy, Stigma, and Organization
ISBN 9780791428962 , 1996 , George W. Dowdall
Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science
ISBN 9780262082815 , 1999 , Brian Harvey, Matthew Wright
Industrial Organization.: A Strategic Approach. International Edition.
ISBN 9780071166454 , 2000 , Jeffrey Robert Church, Roger Ware
Computer ethics: cautionary tales and ethical dilemmas in computing
ISBN 9780262560733 , 1994 , Tom Forester, Perry Morrison
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach [With Access Code]
ISBN 9780136079675 , 2009 , James F Kurose, Keith W. Ross
The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization
ISBN 9780077111687 , 2005 , Jon R. Katzenbach
Computer-aided Specification Techniques
ISBN 9789971978532 , 1986 , Janos Demetrovics, El?d Knuth, Péter Radó